RCC Secretary General meets Hungarian officials over RCC priorities

16 April 2009

The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic held consultations in Budapest today with State Secretary of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gabor Szentivanyi, and other ministry officials, on RCC work and Hungarian contribution to the activities of the organization.

Secretary General Biscevic spoke about the need for sharing experience between RCC members from South East Europe (SEE) and those from other parts of Europe, and proposed ways how Hungary, as an EU member, can contribute to keeping the EU attention on the SEE and accelerating the region’s European integration.

State Secretary Szentivanyi gave his country’s full support to the RCC work and stressed three important things for regional development – free movement of people, joint infrastructure projects among the SEE countries to better connect the countries of the region but also the region with the rest of Europe, and establishment of education institutions which would promote regional mobility of students.

The RCC Secretary General stressed the RCC role as the key EU interlocutor for development issues in SEE, and highlighted several quick-start projects the RCC has been finalizing, such as the establishment of the South East Europe Regional Fire-Fighting Centre and the Southeastern-Central Europe Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, as well as a project to promote sustainable use and integrated management of the region's inland waterways.