Legalize informal settlements and provide decent housing for Roma.
For Decent Jobs
Increase the employment rate among Roma both in the private and public sector.
Roma Integration Policy Watch
Use available data to formulate evidence-based policies for Roma.
Roma Responsive Budgeting
Develop public budgets while taking into consideration the specificities of Roma communities.
Roma in Sectoral Reforms
Incorporate Roma integration policy plans in relevant mainstream policies and sectoral reforms.
Poznan Declaration
In July 2019, in Poznan, the Leaders of the Western Balkans adopted the Declaration of Western Balkans Partners on Roma Integration within the EU Enlargement Process, placing Roma integration very high on the political agenda of the region and linking it both with the EU enlargement process and the Berlin Process. The Roma Integration 2020 project is assisting the governments of the Western Balkans to achieve the targets and commitments made within the Poznan declaration.