Interview: Orhan Usein urges to do more on Roma Integration

Orhan Usein, Head of Office, Regional Cooperation Council Roma Integration

Orhan Usein, Head of Office, Regional Cooperation Council Roma Integration

"We still witness violations of human rights of the Roma population – police brutality, segregated schools and housing, discrimination within different public institutions, including health care providers, which is especially concerning at this time when the world is facing a pandemic. Are we talking about Roma inclusion if we build homes for them and put them all in one area? When talking about Roma, we need to start with ourselves, and what makes us feel like human beings. Just like everyone else, Roma also care about their children, think about how they are going to pay their bills, fight to survive, are worried about the current pandemic. Although having a distinct culture, Roma are in no way different from anybody else. And why do we treat them differently, put them in segregated areas, deny their human rights?" said Orhan Usein, Regional Cooperation Council Roma Integration, Head of Office, amongst other things, in his interview for Euro News Albania on the occassion of marking Human Rights Day.

The full interview is available in the documents.