Usein: "Unemployment and lack of decent living conditions are still major issues for Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina"
- 01 Mar 2022
- News

Orhan USEIN, Roma Integration Head of Office (Photo: Nemanja Brankovic)
"Working in the informal economy is still a major issue. According to estimates, the formal employment rate for Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina stands at only between 11 and 13 per cent. Another estimate states that 63% of all Roma workers are not registered and are working undeclared, which means that they cannot claim any rights coming out from the labour laws. Unfortunately, here too we lack clear statistical data and are actively working with governments to establish measuring. Another priority addressed by the Action Plan relates to inadequate and segregated housing – where there is still much more work left ahead before we can call ourselves done. However, our recent experience in Serbia could be easily replicated in Roma neighbourhoods throughout the region. In close cooperation with the local authorities, we managed to provide assistance for legalisation of 50 Roma households. Therefore, we are looking forward to expanding this activity to Bosnia and Herzegovina too", said Orhan Usein, Regional Cooperation Council Roma Integration, Head of Office, amongst other things, in his interview for portal Newipe from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The full interview is available on the links below.