Roma in Sectoral Reforms
- Ensure that Roma integration is appropriately mainstreamed in relevant governmental/ministerial policies, programmes, projects and interventions
- Provide a niche between the existing mainstream policies not directly targeting Roma as a vulnerable community on one side, and the national strategies and action plans for Roma integration on the other side
- Identified actions under the different national polices and thematic objectives that may concern Roma integration
- Analysed how Roma can be considered in the context of mainstream programmes, projects and interventions related to thematic areas of relevance (employment, education, housing, health) if they are not specifically targeted.
- Identified existing obstacles for Roma to benefit from the mainstream policies
- Provided input for constructive and evidence-based discussions with the governments for future planning
Incorporating the Roma integration policy plans in the relevant mainstream policies is necessary to ensure more effective implementation of both the Roma integration policy and the mainstream policies. The policies should reflect the newest developments and budgets.
As the Poznan Declaration foresees the achievement of specifically defined objectives in the areas of employment, education, housing, health care, the national analyses are a starting point for development of key national and regional interventions and policies for Roma within the existing mainstream policies.
During 2020, the Roma Integration Action Team conducted six analyses which results will foster further efforts to make appropriate use of existing complementary approaches so as to benefit and target Roma. The national policies, legislation and sectoral strategies need to be explored on how inclusive they are towards Roma in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
A regional overview with summary of findings and conclusions is providing input for constructive and evidence-based discussion, internationally and regionally, by economy. The discussions involve governmental representatives and gather key players in planning and implementation of mainstream and Roma policies.