Q52 Below are some possible reasons why people may decide not to report a case of corruption. Please tell me 3 (three) which you think are the most important?
Economy Don’t know where to report it to Difficult to prove anything Reporting it would be pointless because those responsible will not be punished Those who report cases get into trouble with the police or with other authorities Everyone knows these cases and no one reports them It is not worth the effort of reporting it There is no protection for those who report corruption No one betrays anyone Having friends, family members or relatives working in the authorities in which corruption exist Other None DK/refuse
Securimeter 2023
Western Balkans 16 42 44 30 35 23 32 6 12 1 1 4
Albania 7 25 47 36 39 31 36 7 7 0 2 2
Bosnia and
20 52 48 32 32 15 32 6 18 0 0 3
Kosovo* 10 32 44 41 43 40 35 12 3 0 1 4
14 34 36 15 36 27 28 4 14 1 3 6
Montenegro 24 53 39 25 31 10 27 5 16 1 1 8
Serbia 23 59 50 30 26 11 35 4 12 2 1 5