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Project details

Breaking the cycle of exclusion for Roma children through ECD (early childhood development) and education

Type of entry Project
Date (start - end) 10.10.2013 - 31.12.2016
Scheduled status Completed
Areas of intervention
Sectors 15160 - Human rights
Locations Albania
Republic of North Macedonia
Donors Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

Zelinkagasse 2
1010 Vienna

+43 (0)1 90 3 99 - 2515

Implementers UNICEF Albania
Beneficiaries Albania
Republic of North Macedonia
Description Roma children in South Eastern Europe experience significant gaps in the realization of their rights, compared to other groups of children. They are often born into impoverished households, and are at a severe disadvantage from the beginning. The first years are decisive about their future.
The project will address the multidimensional and multigenerational exclusion of young Roma children and other marginalized groups of children and their families, by improving access to high quality and inclusive Early Childhood Development (ECD), health, early learning and development services, and primary education in the targeted communities in Albania, Macedonia and Serbia.
UNICEF applies a human rights-based approach while working on removing system barriers faced by Roma children, by children from other minorities such as Ashkali and Egyptians, children from difficult socioeconomic background and children with disabilities.
Therefore, the project aims to give Roma children an equal start in life, by ensuring they and their families have access to quality basic services and support during their early years. This will increase their chances of achieving their highest potential and of having better success in school and in life in general. By working within existing structures, the initiative strengthens the capacity of duty bearers like ministries, municipalities and school and health institutions and provides concrete entry points for improved services for the most vulnerable groups of society. This approach should guarantee the sustainability of the concerted activities.

Project budget

Currency: EUR

Type of assistance:

Total 1.965.000,00
Austrian Development Agency (ADA) 1.965.000,00


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* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence