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Law on fight against terrorism of Turkey - Act Nr. 3713

Type Official document
Date published 12.04.1991
Author Turkey

Aims to aggravate the terms of imprisonment and punishments applicable to terrorists, to journalists who publish declarations emanating from terrorist organizations, to people who propogate against the unity of the state and to people and institutions that provide assistance to terrorist organizations. Establishes the applicable penal procedure, methods for the execution of punishments and the principles for conditinal release. Foresees measures of protection in favour of people charged charged with the struggle against terrorism or those who participate (informers). Contains temporary provisions. The first one among these commutes capital punishment sanctioning crimes committed before 8 April 1991 to ten years of imprisonment. Abrogates Article 2 on freedom of conscience and association, Articles 140, 141, 142, 163 of the Penal Code, Article 5 (7) and (8) and Article 6 (2) of Act No. 2908 on trade unions, Act No. 2932 on publications in a language other than Turkish.

[Published in the Official Gazette on 12 April 1991] (1991, as amended: 1995, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2010)

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