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Project details

Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation, Albania 2017-2020

Type of project Youth focused
Timeframe 2017 - 2020
Scheduled status Completed
Locations Albania
Donors U.S. Agency for International Development

U.S. Agency for International Development

Angel Kanchev 23A
20523-1000 Washington, D.C.
United States




- main objectives-to support organizations working in the democracy and governance sector in Albania and strengthen their efforts to fight corruption in Albania;
- support avenues for meaningful public participation and oversight;
- improve efficiency and effectiveness in governance and government services;
- and support public-private partnerships
Key Activities
practical experience for the capacity building training organizations
Target groups
local organizations, women’s empowerment, marginalized population, citizen
Capacities at the individual, institutional, coalition/network, and systems levels built
Initiatives to build trust and foster democracy and inclusive socio-economic growth through advocacy, stakeholder dialogue, and joint action designed
Local partners’ performance through innovation, dissemination of international best practices, formal training, introduction of new technologies, “learning by doing,” study tours, and other activities enhanced
Community service delivery oversight committees to enhance government accountability established
Good governance monitoring (including surveys, analyses, and corruption assessment reports) implemented
Citizen-government engagement institutionalized
Sustainability of CSOs improved
Knowledge and skills for women and marginalized groups enhanced

Documents and links

Project budget


Total 0,00
U.S. Agency for International Development n/a


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