Western Balkans SecuriMeter Database
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Security satisfaction Migration and border management Perceptions on gun ownership and fighting against illicit possession, trafficking and misuse of sale Perceptions on minorities Emigration intentions and perceptions of quality of life including security and political situation War in Ukraine
- Satisfaction index
- Public Security Statements: Agreement Level
- Future Public Security Outlook: Agreement Assessment
- Security Perception Ranking (WB)
- Safe living
- Feeling of security
- Safe economy
- Internal Security Challenges Importance Rating
- Terrorism (next 3 years prospects)
- Probability of armed conflicts (next 3 years prospects)
- Ethnic based discrimination and ethnonationalism (next 3 years prospects)
- Influx of immigration (next 3 years prospects)
- Serious and organized crime (next 3 years prospects)
- Cybersecurity (next 3 years prospects)
- Financial crime (next 3 years prospects)
- Online radicalisation (next 3 years prospects)
- Natural disasters (next 3 years prospects)
- Disinformation and fake news (next 3 years prospects)
- Opinion Alignment on Security Issues
- Opinion on the phenomena from which the economies are suffering
- How to fight effectively organised crime and terrorism
- Perception of Internet Radical Ideology Influence
- Radical Ideologies Influence Rating - Youth Perspective
- Preferred Methods for Handling Radical/Extremist Material on the Internet
- Agreement level on individuals and their families engaged in foreign war zones returned to their local communities
- Sense of personal security if the individuals and their families engaged in foreign zones returned to their local communities
- Attitudes Towards Labour Migration for Demographic Challenges
- Perception of Fact-Based Immigration Discourse
- Public Security and Asylum Policy
- Satisfaction with Border Procedures and Immigration Management
- Regional contingency plan
- Opinion on management of irregular immigration
- Opinion regarding foreigners who did not commit any criminal offense except the violation of migration regulation
- Opinion on which group of emigrants should be accepted in your economy
- Opinion on which way is appropriate to address the challenges caused by immigrants
- Opinion on minority groups
- Opinion on what to be done to improve the relationship between people of different races, religions and culture in Western Balkan economies
- Public Reaction to Multinational Presence
- Public Reaction to Multiracial Presence
- Public Reaction to Multireligious Presence
- Acceptance on Cultural and Religious Assimilation for Minorities
Perceptions on disaster prevention and disaster preparedness
Perception on the impact of disinformation, cyber threats and vulnerabilities as the main segments of hybrid threats Perceptions of corruption
- Acceptance of Monetary Incentives for Public Services
- Approval of Gifting in Public Administration Dealings
- Legitimacy of Favor Exchange in Public Service Access
- Opinion on the spread of corruption
- Opinion on the level of corruption in each economy
- Opinion on the gift or donation given
- Personal Acquaintance with Bribe Takers/Recipients
- Experience with or witness of corruption in the last 12 months
- Reasons for people who decide not to report corruption
- Opinion on the most corrupted institutions
- Perceived Disproportionate Impact of Corruption by Population Group
- Opinion on security due to war in Ukraine
- Opinion on the most important security cooperation mechanism
- Opinion on the support given to Ukraine
- Impact of Ukraine War on Purchasing Power for Basic Food stuff
- Impact of Ukraine War on Energy Product Affordability
- Impact of Ukraine War on Fuel Affordability for Transport
- Impact of Ukraine War on Housing Affordability
- Sense of Personal and Family Security Post-Ukraine War
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* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence
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