Western Balkans SecuriMeter Database
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General security perceptions Personal trust and trust in institutions
Personal security perceptions
Categories of problems in economy
Migration Emigration intentions, human security and resilience
- Length of staying abroad
- Duration of Residency in a Foreign Country
- Intention to move abroad
- Actions Taken Towards Living and Working Abroad
- Reasons for Moving Abroad
- Preferred countries for emigration
- Household economic capacity
- Individual economic capacity
- Types of insurance policy bought by respondent
- Level of satisfaction in the place of living
- Concerns about medical costs
Emerging security threats
- Opinion on security due to war in the Middle East
- Opinion on security due to war in Ukraine
- Impact of Ukraine war on living standards
- Opinion on the most important security cooperation mechanism
- Perceptions of AI's impact
- Concern about online personal information security
- Perception of misinformation and bias
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* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence
SecuriMeter Micro Data
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