Report on Gap Analysis on Regional Cooperation in the Area of Migration Management and Fight against Serious and Organised Crime
22 April 2016 | REPORT
The Report provides recommendations on how to achieve steady progress in the upcoming period in Policy areas Migration Management and the Fight against Serious and Organised Crime via the streamlining of Regional Cooperation and establishment of a coherent policy implementation process directed toward the fulfilment of Chapter 24 requirements and efficient countering of current and occurring threats to regional and European values. The purpose of the RCC Project is to contribute to a steady and consistent progress on part of the Beneficiaries in the upcoming period 2014-2020 in the fulfilment of Chapter 24 requirements regarding Migration Management and the Fight against Serious and Organised Crime, and raising their capacities for addressing current and occurring regional security threats via an optimal use of existing Regional Cooperation efforts and a rational use of national and donors’ resources. This is addressed through acquiring a comprehensive picture of national priorities and needs that have to be tackled on part of the Beneficiaries in the upcoming period, identifying positive areas of action in Regional Cooperation, and examining potential solutions – including whether a greater effect and added value would be achieved if they should be addressed at national or regional level.
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