Terms of References for the Biodiversity Task Force under the Regional Environmental Working Group
01 August 2019 | MEETING DOCUMENT
Terms of References for the Biodiversity Task Force under the Regional Environmental Working Group.
The Regional Cooperation Council established a Regional Working Group of high-level representatives of South-East Europe (SEE) ministries responsible for environment, water resources, land, energy and climate change (hereinafter referred to as “Regional Working Group on Environment” or “RWG Env”) to guide the implementation of the Dimension Environment of the SEE 2020 Strategy. The RWG Env operates under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat with the main responsibility for programming, overseeing and monitoring the activities within the Dimension Environment. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is the Dimension Coordinator in cooperation with Global Water Partnerships–Mediterranean (GWP-Med) and Standing Working Group on Regional Rural Development (SWG). In accordance with foreseen tasks of the RWG Env, determined in Point 1 of ToR, the Group “Propose and/or develop additional mechanisms and tools for effective implementation of activities under the Dimension J – Environment of the SEE 2020 Strategy”.
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