European Commission: Measures in support of a Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans
The Sofia Declaration2, of 17 May 2018, agreed “by the leaders of the European Union (EU) and its Member States, in consultation with our Western Balkans partners”, at the 'European Union - Western Balkans Summit' includes the launch of a Sofia Priority Agenda for the EU and the Western Balkans. The Priority Agenda comprises, under the title “A Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans”, the following points:
- Launch a Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans, including a roadmap to facilitate lowering cost of roaming - Launch a substantial technical assistance package for the identification of potential digital investments (including broadband) through Western Balkan Investment Framework/Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
The Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans should complement the Digital Integration actions agreed by the leaders of the region in the Multi-Annual Action Plan on a Regional Economic Area (Trieste, July 2017)3, and reflect the conclusions of the Western Balkans Digital Summit in Skopje4 on 19 April 2018.
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