It is our duty to fight discrimination wherever we see it, Article by Orhan Usein, Team Leader of Roma Integration 2020 project on the occasion of the first anniversary of Poznan Declaration
07 July 2020 | INTERVIEW
"The discrimination of minorities is a pandemic worse than the coronavirus, as it has managed to rule the world for a lot longer. As well as the virus, it mutates, takes on new forms, and finds many different ways to inhibit the population.
Dehumanisation, degradation, segregation, humiliation – these are the experiences that Roma in Western Balkans face almost every day. Their rights have been denied for years, and the acknowledgment of the problem and serious actions have been to a great extent absent. ", said, among other things, Orhan Usein, Team Leader of Roma Integration 2020 project, implemented by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) with the financial support of the European Union and the Open Society Foundations