Full speech by the RCC Secretary General at the WHO Forum
02 March 2023 | SPEECH
RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the World Health Organization WHO/Europe High-Level Forum on Health in the Well-Being Economy, held 1-2 March 2023 in Copenhagen.
Bregu spoke at the panel "A Well-being Economy Approach to Addressing Cost-of-Living Increases".
“Economic growth cannot be the only and ultimate policy objective. Collective wellbeing, healthy and thriving population where no one is left behind should be the foundation of every growth policy. The ambitious post-pandemic recovery aspirations are crushed against the stark realities of our fellow citizens in South East Europe who struggle with galloping inflation and bills that consume half of their incomes. Sadly, a large portion of the energy shock continues to be absorbed by the public sector, with health and social services being among the first to suffer. We first-handed felt the brunt of demographic pressures and daunting brain drain with 67% of Western Balkans citizens stating their willingness to live and work abroad,” said Bregu among other things.
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