Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Summit on Growth and Convergence Plan
29 February 2024 | SPEECH
Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Summit on Growth and Convergence Plan in Tirana on 29 February 2024.
Bregu said: ""The time is ticking on defining the future of our region that is working in two parallel streams right now. The first is the work on national reform agendas advancing the path to the EU, and the second is deepening regional economic integration among themselves, which is a stepping stone to accessing the EU Single Market. The first one has a clearly set path by the EU, while the second one is a work in progress and the new phase of the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan, we are currently preparing in cooperation with all regional partners, is aimed at establishing a functional CRM within the Western Balkans, as a pre-condition for closer integration with the EU Single Market,"
Full speech is below.
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