Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Leader's Summit
16 May 2024 | SPEECH
RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Regional Leader's Summit: One region, common vision, in Kotor, Montenegro on 16 May 2024.
At the Summit focusing on Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, Bregu recognized the challenges and opportunities in regional economic integration, spurred by the recent adoption of the Reform and Growth Facility. Bregu underscored three key aspects of current Common Regional Market Action Plan: the tangible socio-economic impacts of regional policy agendas, the untapped potential for economic integration aiming for 10% growth, and the necessity of prioritizing human capital development. RCC SG spoke also about the new CRM phase focusing on facilitating EU single market access and enhancing intra-regional cooperation, particularly in human capital development, digitalization, and business environment competitiveness.
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