Documents & Publications

Assesment Report on the training needs of parliamentary staff in the Western Balkans on Common Regional Market

Assesment Report on the training needs of parliamentary staff in the Western Balkans on Common Regional Market

21 JUNE 2024 | REPORT

The Common Regional Market (CRM) initiative in the Western Balkans aims to enhance regional competitiveness, reduce the gap with EU markets, and promote economic integration and job creation. Its success relies also on well-informed parliamentary staff adequately prepared to play a constructive role in supporting policymakers and enabling the advancement of regional cooperation and integration efforts in the Western Balkans.

Recognizing this, the Group for Integration and Democracy (GID) assessed the knowledge and awareness of parliamentary staff regarding the CRM to identify capacity building needs. The report highlights existing capabilities and gaps, suggesting the tailored training programs that the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) should develop to enhance understanding of the CRM and its benefits.

This assessment was commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council in the framework of continuous assistance provided to support the efforts towards strengthening parliamentary cooperation within the Berlin Process.

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2023-2024

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2023-2024

13 JUNE 2024 | REPORT

The Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period May 2023 – May 2024. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

Download: EN 

RCC Secretary General for

RCC Secretary General for

05 JUNE 2024 | INTERVIEW published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

In an interview Bregu talks about the critical need for freedom of movement to achieve regional integration and a common market in the Balkans. She highlights the failure to implement the visa-free agreement between Pristina and Sarajevo, despite its signing under the Berlin Process, due to Bosnia and Herzegovina's non-ratification. Bregu emphasizes that this stalemate restricts citizens' mobility and hampers economic and regional development. She also urges more political will to overcome these obstacles and stresses the broader benefits of regional cooperation and integration for achieving EU membership.

Download: SQ EN 

Opening speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Civil Society High-Level Conference

Opening speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Civil Society High-Level Conference

24 MAY 2024 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened Civil Society High Level Conference, dubbed Continuing the success story of EU enlargement – Bringing benefits to the Western Balkans in advance of accession, organized by EESC in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 24 May 2024.

Among other things Bregu said: "Under the weight of various consecutive crises the EU’s “cold feet” were often met with our region’s reform fatigue and unconvincing reform records, creating a lot of vicious instead of virtuos circles. Until the aspirations of around 18 million citizens for a stronger Union that can be more, with Western Balkans firmly in its fold, materialise, the Common Regional Market (CRM) is bringing the region closer together, and to the EU Single Market, both fast-tracking the much-needed convergence between the WB and EU. This is where RCC is putting its undivided focus. But we're running against the clock and concrete impacts and more sizeable investments must be felt on the ground as soon as possible,"

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RCC Secretary General for RTRS

RCC Secretary General for RTRS


BiH public broadcaster RTRS published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

Bregu spoke about Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, new phase of the Common Regional Market, human capital, successes of regional cooperation and more.

Download: EN 

RCC Secretary General for publication

RCC Secretary General for publication "Connecting The Region"


Connecting The Region, a regional publication that unites top officials, the diplomatic community, and leading businesses from the Western Balkans and Soth East Europe, published an interview wit RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu. The interview dubbed Huge Potential for Collaboration delves into the significance of regional collaboration in Southeast Europe. Bregu discusses the untapped potential for cooperation among countries in the region, highlighting the opportunities it presents for economic growth, stability, and European integration. She emphasizes the importance of fostering dialogue and partnerships to address common challenges and unlock shared benefits, underscoring the RCC's role in facilitating this collaborative effort.

Download: EN BS SQ 

RCC Secretary General for European Western Balkans

RCC Secretary General for European Western Balkans


European Western Balkans (EWB) published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

The interview dubbed "Bregu: EU Growth Plan could double Western Balkan economies in the next decade" delves into the significance of the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the ongoing efforts towards the creation of a Common Regional Market (CRM). With a commitment of €6 billion, the Growth Plan aims to bolster economic growth and socio-economic convergence in the Western Balkans, crucial for advancing the region's EU integration. Bregu emphasises the substantial disparities between the region and the EU in key economic indicators, highlighting the urgent need for closer alignment.
The interview underscores the potential of the Growth Plan to double the region's economies within a decade and stresses the importance of CRM in facilitating access to the EU Single Market. Bregu also discusses the challenges posed by internal political crises and regional issues, emphasising the necessity for consensus and implementation of agreed-upon measures. Furthermore, Bregu acknowledges the role of civil society organisations in promoting regional cooperation and integration, stressing the importance of their engagement and recommendations in initiatives like the Berlin Process.
Among other things, Bregu says: Central to the Growth Plan is the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan, spearheaded by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). Building upon successful initiatives already in place within the CRM, the Growth Plan is crucial in offering the Western Balkans opportunities for closer integration with the EU’s Single Market. However, access to the EU Single Market is contingent upon fulfilling commitments within the Common Regional Market framework, itself modelled on the EU Single Market.

Download: EN SQ SR 

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Summit on Growth and Convergence Plan

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Summit on Growth and Convergence Plan


Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Summit on Growth and Convergence Plan in Tirana on 29 February 2024.

Bregu said: ""The time is ticking on defining the future of our region that is working in two parallel streams right now. The first is the work on national reform agendas advancing the path to the EU, and the second is deepening regional economic integration among themselves, which is a stepping stone to accessing the EU Single Market. The first one has a clearly set path by the EU, while the second one is a work in progress and the new phase of the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan, we are currently preparing in cooperation with all regional partners, is aimed at establishing a functional CRM within the Western Balkans, as a pre-condition for closer integration with the EU Single Market,"

Full speech is below.

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Interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for

Interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for


Online portal published an interview with Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). Bregu spoke about the imperative of implementing national reform, creating a Common Regional Market, joining the EU Single Market and EU accession, and preventing blockage of regional processes.

Download: SQ EN BS 

Speech by RCC Secretary General at EU-WB Summit

Speech by RCC Secretary General at EU-WB Summit


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu addressed the EU-WB Summit which took place on 13 December in Brussels.

"One year after the EU-WB Summit in Tirana, we feel that the pace and sense of heightened urgency for reforms and regional cooperation on the side of the region, and for institutional and budgetary preparedness of an EU fit for enlargement, is more palpable. Deepening our economic integration and continuing to build on the policies aligning us more with the EU is always valuable. A true and fully functional Common Regional Market, unhindered by regional disputes, can be our vessel to the EU Single Market, which, in all likelihood, will be our future prospect,” said RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu at the Summit.

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Secretary General Bregu for RTSH's show

Secretary General Bregu for RTSH's show "3D"


Regional Cooperation Council's Secretary General Majlinda Bregu's interview for Radio Televizioni Shqiptar with Alban Dudushin, on Common Regional Market, roaming reductions between European Union and the Western Balkans, regional cooperation in the region, and more.

View: SQ 

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu speech at the Berlin Process Summit, on 16 October 2023 in Tirana

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu speech at the Berlin Process Summit, on 16 October 2023 in Tirana


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Berlin Process Summit, which for the first time took place in the region, in Tirana on 16 Octber 2023.

"The concerted efforts we put towards mutual recognition of a new set of professions, which now amount to 7 in total, fully based on EU rules – is another symbolic entry ticket to the single market as it can be a crucial step towards recognition of professional qualifications with the EU. It remains imperative though that there are no implementation and enforcement gaps and that the signatures of the agreements are promptly followed by entry into force so that the benefits reach those intended for – our citizens, said Bregu.

Fact sheet: Agreement on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Nurses, Veterinary Surgeons, Pharmacists, and Midwives

Fact sheet: Agreement on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Nurses, Veterinary Surgeons, Pharmacists, and Midwives


The Heads of Governments of the Western Balkans Six signed one more agreement under the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan’s mobility agenda, a process facilitated by the RCC - on the recognition of professional qualifications of nurses, veterinary surgeons, pharmacists, and midwives – at the Berlin Process Summit held in Tirana on 16 October 2023.

Download: EN 

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the first Local Self-Governments  Forum

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the first Local Self-Governments Forum


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened the first Local Self-Governments Forum Unlocking the Future: Innovate, Eco-vate, Elevate - Western Balkans Unite for Smart Cities in Tirana on 12 October 2023.

"For the first time in history, the majority of world's people are living in cities. Growing cities face enormous challenges, worsen the most common headaches of city life, such as traffic jams, overcrowded buses, trams, air pollution. Overpopulated cities can also strain vital services, including water supply, energy production, waste management, stress the citizens who cannot afford to buy a new apartment and so on and so forth.
Said this, the other side of the coin is true: cities are increasingly becoming incubators of change and drivers of innovation."

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Berlin Process Foreign Ministers Meeting

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Berlin Process Foreign Ministers Meeting


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the RCC Secretary General at the EU-WB Foreign Ministers Meeting organised within the Berlin Process by the Albanian Government in Tirana on 6 October 2023.

Bregu took part at the first session together with Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, European Commission, Pascual Navarro Ríos, State Secretary for the European Union, Angelina Eichhorst, Managing Director for Europe at the European External Action Service and Albert Hani, Secretary General, Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO).

"A success story of EU-rules based regional cooperation and a symbolic entry ticket to EU single market saw the light of the day on 1 October this year – when the EU-WB roaming reductions came into effect. It was a demonstration of commitments made and pledges kept. Against a very difficult backdrop in our region currently, this 1 October we managed all together, in close partnership and cooperation with the European Commission, and under the political guidance and support of the European Union and with the support of 38 telecom operators, to see the first roaming charges reductions between European Union and Western Balkans. It might look like an achievement that has been there. After long processes and expectations, people start to take things for granted, but all of us here working on the Common Regional Market Action Plan know how hard it can be. We know how difficult it is to come to a conclusion, and have a success story, " said Bregu among other things.

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RCC Secretary General at WBDS 2023

RCC Secretary General at WBDS 2023


RCC Secretary General took part at the opening ceremony at the 6th Western Balkans Digital Summit (WBDS) on 4 October 2023, together with included Edin Forto, Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oliver Varhelyi, Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Roberto Viola, Director General of DG Connect, Stefan Schnorr, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (Berlin), Steliana Nedera, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS, Istanbul Regional Hub Director, and Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

"As the Digital Summit concludes its journey across all Western Balkan economies, marking the last event in this format, we must now aim higher for accelerated digital connectivity and accessibility in the region. By working on digitally transformed, yet inclusive Western Balkans – stronger together, we are sewing important parts of threads intricately woven into the fabrics of the Europeanisation of our region. It is a path towards more connected, accessible, and affordable future for all that we in RCC are fully committed and dedicated to. Our all-inclusive convening role, facilitation and expert capacities will remain a key backing on the challenging digitisation journey ahead," said Bregu among other things.

Download: EN 

"Call from a Region in My Mind" : Bridging the Gap – The Roaming Revolution in the Western Balkans


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu's Op-ed on beginning of reduction of mobile data costs between the European Union and Western Balkans.

"The journey to this milestone began with the entry into force of Roam Like At Home regime in the Western Balkans in July 2021, based on the Western Balkans Regional Roaming Agreement. It is a testament to the unwavering commitment of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the European Commission (EC), and telecommunications operators from the EU and Western Balkans. A year-long negotiation process, facilitated by the RCC and EC, has borne fruit.

It is a real change for both citizens from this region and our beloved ones living in the EU. It empowers both EU and WB citizens to bridge distances; it represents a profound shift in the way we connect with Europe. It is part of a thread intricately woven into the fabric of the Europeanisation of our countries."

Download: EN BS SQ 

Speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Berlin Process Forum of Economic Ministers

Speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Berlin Process Forum of Economic Ministers


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Berlin Process Forum of Economic Ministers: “Common Regional Market - A Stepping stone towards the EU Single Market on 26 September 2023 in Tirana.

"A human-centric Europe, that is adapted, reformed, rebooted and more - with Western Balkans firmly in its fold - is the best investment in peace and security for the entire continent! The Western Balkans has made significant progress in the last two decades, but we are not where we wanted and should be and unfortunately, friction amongst countries persists, and conflicts can hinder investments and economic growth in the region,” said Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Majlinda Bregu, among other things.

Download: EN 

 Secretary General for the Frankfurter Rundschau

Secretary General for the Frankfurter Rundschau


German daily Frankfurter Rundschau published an article featuring RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) on regional cooperation, investments in Western Balkans, EU integration and Common Regional Market.

Download: DE EN BS SQ 



25 MAY 2023 | REPORT

The first Western Balkan Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2022 Report was developed under the RCC umbrella, and provides DESI calculation for 2021 and 2022. The methodology used for WB DESI calculation is based on the EU DESI 2022 Methodology and allows comparison with the EU DESI.

In addition, the Report helps setting the framework for permanent monitoring of digital developments on economy and regional level, as well as monitoring the progress towards digital strategy objectives and identifying areas that require relevant policy actions.

Download: EN 

Women entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans: Stocktaking on constraints and good practices

Women entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans: Stocktaking on constraints and good practices

19 MAY 2023 | REPORT

This document provides a state of play of women entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans economies, aiming to provide key findings and recommendations through an actionable roadmap for each economy. While the analysis is conducted separately, there are striking similarities, both on key positive developments as well as challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. Therefore, the report takes both a comparative perspective and an economy specific one.

Download: EN 

Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2022

Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2022

17 MAY 2023 | REPORT

The Leaders’ Declaration on Common Regional Market (CRM) and its Action Plan, endorsed at the Berlin Process Summit in November 2020, ushered a qualitatively new framework for regional cooperation in the Western Balkans that puts regional cooperation and EU standards at the centre. Hailed as a decisive and all-inclusive process for the WB region, together with the Green Agenda for WB, it sets out the main cooperation framework and represents the backbone of the region’s socio-economic recovery and twin transition.
The report takes stock of the implementation track record and state of play, providing a resume of the second year of implementation of the CRM agenda starting with an overview of achievements reached at a regional level. The majority of measures are well on track in line with the CRM Action Plan. The second section of the report provides a list of key achievements under each of the four CRM policy areas, specifically Regional Trade Area (including the Four Freedoms of the EU), Regional Digital Area, Regional Investment Area, Regional Industrial and Innovation Area at an economy level. In line with the principle of regional ownership that underpins the implementation of CRM agenda, this section is drafted from the contributions of the responsible line ministries/agencies in each of the WB economies.
This regional overview is compiled jointly by the lead organisations, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Secretariats, based on their specific areas of responsibility, while the Transport Community Treaty (TCT) Secretariat and WB6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF) provided contributions relevant to their respective policy areas.

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Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu: Closing in to Europe: lowering roaming prices between Western Balkans and EU

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu: Closing in to Europe: lowering roaming prices between Western Balkans and EU


On Europe Day, Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, in an interview for "Zëri" , gives the first details of one of the concrete achievements for the citizens of the Western Balkans.

Download: EN SQ BS 



15 MARCH 2023 | REPORT

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 November 2022 – 1 March 2023 was presented by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the 48th RCC Board meeting on 15 March 2023 in Sarajevo.

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Western Balkans Roaming Report 2022

Western Balkans Roaming Report 2022


Western Balkans Roaming Report 2022 aims to provide information about the consumption and price developments of the roaming services in the region, thus supporting WB economies in the efficient monitoring of Regional Roaming Agreement implementation.

On the other hand, in order to determine key challenges and priority objectives in the process of reducing roaming prices between WB and EU, all important findings and trends in roaming users’ patterns, traffic volumes and costs of international roaming services between WB and EU operators have been assessed, analysed and presented herein.

Reporting period is the full year 2021.

Download: EN 

Women Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans - economy factsheets

Women Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans - economy factsheets


Gender statistics play an important role for evidence-based policy making in support of women entrepreneurship. Hence, a thorough review of gender statistics in the Western Balkans, with a specific focus on “women entrepreneurship”, has been commissioned by Regional Cooperation Council. In addition, a sector review for “women in agriculture” has enriched the insights and has been included considering the strategic importance of the agro-food sector in the Common Regional Market Action Plan’s value chains.
The findings will further contribute to the discussion and work of the Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship.
Here is what women entrepreneurship in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia looks like.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the EU - Western Balkans Summit in Tirana

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the EU - Western Balkans Summit in Tirana


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the EU - Western Balkans Summit organised in Tirana on 6 December 2022.

“The first question we were asked after the Roam Like at Home has come to action last July, was when the roaming prices with the EU will be lowered. And that is the first thing we have started working on after that 1 July. So, I’m happy to say that ‘when’ has arrived, the roaming prices between the Western Balkans and the European Union are going down with the leaves next fall. But this is just the start of the process until the final objective of EU-WB roaming prices at the level nearing domestic ones is attained in 2027,” said Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at a press conference with Albanian Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku, EU Enlargement Commissioner, Oliver Varhelyi, EU and WB telecommunications operators’ representatives, following the signing of the Declaration.

Download: EN SQ BS 

Fact sheet: Stay Connected: Western Balkans - European Union roaming prices reduction

Fact sheet: Stay Connected: Western Balkans - European Union roaming prices reduction


Eighteen telecommunications operators from the European Union (EU) and the Western Balkans (WB) signed a Roaming Declaration enabling the reduction of roaming charges between the EU and WB as of 1 October 2023, kicking off the EU-WB Summit in Tirana on 6 December 2022.

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Press Statement by RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the signing of Roaming Declaration

Press Statement by RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the signing of Roaming Declaration


Press Statement by RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the signing of Roaming Declaration between European Union and Western Balkans telecommunications operators on 6 December 2022 in Tirana.

View: EN BS SQ video 

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Berlin Summit

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Berlin Summit


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Western Balkans Berlin Summit, organised within the Berlin Process in German capital on 3 November 2022.

“Though written off as nearly impossible, after trying and nerve-racking two years, the three RCC-coordinated centrepiece mobility agreements finally see the light of day. Today they reach those intended for - our citizens! Much like the ubiquitous impact of the regional roaming agreement and the green lanes, their manifested impact on the ground will be direct and concrete. ” said Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General at the Summit

Download: EN SQ BS 

Signing of the three mobility agreements under CRM at Berlin Process Summit

Signing of the three mobility agreements under CRM at Berlin Process Summit


Three mobility agreements under the Common Regional Market were signed by Western Balkans leaders on 3 November 2023 at the Berlin Process Summit. The agreements concern ID travel within the region, recognition of academic qualifications and recognition of qualifications for certain professions.
Agreements were signed with the presence of RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission.

View: EN 

Anadolu Agency interview with RCC Secretary General dubbed

Anadolu Agency interview with RCC Secretary General dubbed "Bregu: Travel with ID cards in Western Balkans possible from 2023"


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu interview to Anadolu Agency dubbed "Bregu: Travel with ID cards in Western Balkans possible from 2023" on three Western Balkans mobility agreements, when they will enter into force, what are the expected results, and the next steps for the Western Balkans.

Download: BS EN 

Radio Free Europe article dubbed

Radio Free Europe article dubbed "I Dream of Bihać and Bosnia’: Bosniaks from Prizren waiting to travel to BiH without visas" featuring statement by RCC Secretary General


‘I Dream of Bihać and Bosnia’: Bosniaks from Prizren waiting to travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina without visas - Radio Slobodna Evropa article on three mobility agreements featuring statements of Western Balkans citizens and RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

Download: EN BS SQ 

Bregu: Roaming free regime between the EU and Western Balkans is our next objective

Bregu: Roaming free regime between the EU and Western Balkans is our next objective


Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General spoke to BiH portal about three mobility agreements approved by the Western Balkans Foreign Ministers on 21 October 2022 and expected to be signed by Western Balkans leaders on 3 November in Berlin at the Berlin Process Summit:
- Agreement on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards in the Western Balkans,
- Agreement on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications and
- Agreement on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors, Dentists and Architects

Download: BS EN 

Fact sheet: Agreements on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects

Fact sheet: Agreements on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects


The Western Balkans (WB) Foreign Ministers approved three regional agreements - on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, and on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects – at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process by the German Government in Berlin on 21 October 2022.

Download: EN SQ MK BS 

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process in German capital on 21 October 2022.

“We proudly today showcase that all-inclusive regional cooperation and Common Regional Market deliver results. That the region has agreed on three RCC-coordinated centrepiece mobility agreements whose implementation, much like with the green lanes and regional roaming agreement, will very soon bring their own manifested impact on the ground,” said Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General at the meeting, announcing that the Western Balkans Foreign Ministers approved three regional agreements - on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, and on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects.

Download: EN 

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the opening of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022 which took place in Pristina on 21-22 September 2022.

"Digitalisation in our region has its two sides of the coin. On one hand there have been great broadband connectivity strides, such as Roam Like at Home in the Western Balkans, and massive spread and uptake of e-services. On the other hand, our region is recently struggling with serious cyber-attacks. Our digital literacy is still low, as is the level of cross-border interoperability. Disinformation and fake news flourish. So, the region needs more cooperation, not less." , said Bregu among other things.

View: EN 

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2021-2022

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2021-2022

10 JUNE 2022 | REPORT

The Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period April 2021 – April 2022. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

Download: EN 

Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2021

Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2021

31 MAY 2022 | REPORT

The Western Balkans (WB) leaders endorsed the Common Regional Market (CRM) 2021-2024 agenda at the Western Balkans Sofia Summit in November 2020. Being firmly anchored in EU recovery efforts, the CRM agenda aims at reducing the gaps with the EU Single Market and diversifying supplies to create jobs and offer greater choice at lower prices, and at enabling people to work throughout the region.
This report provides an overview of both regional and the achievements accomplished at the level of each Western Balkan economy per key CRM policy areas, namely Regional Trade Area (including EU
Four Freedoms), Regional Digital Area, Regional Investment Area, Regional Industrial and Innovation Area. The overview of key results in the regional area was drafted by RCC and CEFTA Secretariats,
each of them being in charge of their respective areas of expertise, whereas Transport Community Secretariat and WB6 Chamber Investment Forum (CIF) contributed to the regional overview with
their inputs in their respective areas of expertise.
Taking into consideration the regional ownership of the CRM agenda, this report also includes the contributions from the region’s economies, particularly in the Section II of the report Key Achievements
in CRM – Economy Level. The report covers the period from December 2020 – November 2021.

Download: EN 

Opening remarks by the RCC secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the ministerial conference on “Lifting Barriers for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Western Balkans

Opening remarks by the RCC secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the ministerial conference on “Lifting Barriers for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Western Balkans"

12 MAY 2022 | SPEECH

Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) opened the ministerial conference on “Lifting Barriers for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Western Balkans", held in Tirana on 12 May 2022

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RCC Secretary General for Indeks

RCC Secretary General for Indeks


North Macedonian web portal Indeks published an interview with RCC Secretary General Malinda Bregu.

Bregu spoke about the impact of the current situation in Europe on Western Balkan economies, regional cooperation, EU integration and more.

Entire interview in Albanian language is available on the link below.

Download: SQ 

RCC Secretary General for EurActiv: Brave New Europe?!

RCC Secretary General for EurActiv: Brave New Europe?!


Brave New Europe?! - Op-ed by RCC SG Majlinda Bregu published by EurActiv, on EU enlargement process in the light of the latest circumstances in Ukraine.

"For a long time now, there has been a dichotomy between methodology and the political aspects of the EU integration, which is put to the test now with the calls for fast-track EU membership of Ukraine and the tortoise pace of accession of the Western Balkans, writes Majlinda Bregu." said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu

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Euronews article featuring statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu

Euronews article featuring statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu


Euronews published an article dubbed "Could Ukraine kick-start the EU's stalled enlargement plan?" featuring statements by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on the Western Balkans enlargement process in the light of the latest circumstances in Ukraine and Europe.

Full article in English is at a link bellow.

In addition, find excerpts of the article featuring statements by the RCC SG in Albanian and Bosnian language.

Download: EN BS SQ 

European Union is Our Future, No Alternative, Interview by RCC Secretary General for Novi Magazin

European Union is Our Future, No Alternative, Interview by RCC Secretary General for Novi Magazin


Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke to Serbian Novi Magazin about Western Balkans EU integration, Common Regional Market and Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, region's response to Covid-19 pandemic and much more.

"Weak Western Balkans makes the EU weak too. But a lot is being said each day by both the EU and Western Balkans leaders. The truth is that the enlargement has become a lot more brutal. In times when geostrategic shifts are taking place across the globe, the impasse of Western Balkans EU accession is never a good news. The scale of problems in the Western Balkans is a call to go beyond nudges and patches. Western Balkans is part of Europe, and is of the vital importance in this political realism. The need for Europe is as powerful as it is unsatisfied.", said Bregu, among other things.

Download: SR EN 

Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in Western Balkans -  Methodology, Implementation Vision and Action Plan

Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in Western Balkans - Methodology, Implementation Vision and Action Plan


Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is working to support Western Balkans in the implementation of the digital transformation as part of the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans (WB), Western Balkan Digital Summits’ Conclusions and Common Regional Market (CRM) 2021-2024 Action Plan. On this note, and following the commitments of the Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in Western Balkans Region, signed during the 3rd WB Digital Summit, through this report the RCC continues to support the Western Balkan economies on improving regional interoperability and advance with recognition of eIDs and trust services.

The report shows the current state of play in each Western Balkan economy, including the timeline and action plans at economy and regional level, with a view to enable recognition of eIDs and trust service, in order to ensure full compliance with European Interoperability Framework.

The ultimate goal is to develop and introduce practical approach and concrete action plan toward achieving the operational interoperability between WB economies, as well as between WB and EU Member States.

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Action Plan for the Implementation of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans 2021-2030

Action Plan for the Implementation of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans 2021-2030


This Action Plan represents one of the outputs of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) and is used as a tool to guide its implementation. It embodies the “putting words into actions” paradigm by identifying concrete steps and supporting organisations, as well as defining an indicative timeframe for each implementable measure. It sets the framework to coordinate and support its proper implementation and monitor the progress in this regard.

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Western Balkans-European Union Roaming Data Report

Western Balkans-European Union Roaming Data Report


The overall objective of the assignment is to provide support to Western Balkan Six economies to further advance in the process of harmonisation of roaming policy with that of the EU and providing expert inputs on the approach and the steps that Western Balkan economies and telecom operators need to take towards reducing the roaming prices between the Western Balkan region and the EU, building on the successful implementation of the Regional Roaming Agreement and the start of the free roaming regime in the Western Balkans as of 1 July 2021.

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Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth Beyond Covid”

Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth Beyond Covid”


Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the panel on Global and Regional Challenges and Prospects of Recovery and Growth at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth Beyond Covid”, held in Skopje on 6 September 2021

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RCC Secretary General for Montenegrian Vijesti: “Knowing the right people” does not lead to the EU

RCC Secretary General for Montenegrian Vijesti: “Knowing the right people” does not lead to the EU


RCC Secretary General gave an interview for Montenegrian Vijesti

"We know, Regional cooperation will prevail on the strength of its ideas and ideals, not on the disputes and the name of documents. We know economies of the region will be competitive when it should be, collaborative when it must be. We just hope those will be adversarial only when this is inevitable.

The prospect of eventual EU membership has been a driving force during all these years for all Western Balkan economies and background against which many common initiatives in the region were undertaken. For us dealing with regional cooperation it has been the predominant factor in urging the Western Balkans to engage with one another in a more positive manner as well as address not only the domestic problems they face, but also the unresolved issues in the region. I keep hearing yet whether WB is a geopolitical priority for EU. As long as this might be a farfetched question, is not a question of choice BUT of necessity, imperative and vision. One that begs just one sole answer - it must," said RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for Montenegrian Vijesti.

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Report on the State of Application of Digital Economy Society Index (DESI) in Western Balkan Economies

Report on the State of Application of Digital Economy Society Index (DESI) in Western Balkan Economies

21 JULY 2021 | REPORT

The objective of the report is to provide an overview of the state of application of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) methodology in Western Balkans, the availability of datasets for calculating all DESI indicators and identify the responsible institutions for data collection.

All with the aim is to identify gaps and needs and to provide short-term recommendations to harmonise the domestic methodologies with the DESI and European Union (EU) methodologies.

DESI measures five key areas: connectivity, human capital, use of internet by individuals, integration of digital technologies by the business sector and digital public services. As candidates or potential candidates for EU membership, the Western Balkan (WB) economies are required to use DESI indicators for measurement of the progress made.

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Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue

Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue

02 JULY 2021 | SPEECH

Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the High-Level Plenary Session “Resetting the EU-US Synergy towards the Western Balkans” within the 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue, in Ohrid, North Macedonia, on 2 July 2021.

Secretary General Bregu was accompanied by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Turkish Minister of Foreign affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Kosovo's* Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Minister of Foreign Affairs from Poland Zbigniew Rau, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zoran Tegeltija. Keynote speaker of the Session was North Macedonia's Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

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Western Balkans Calling: We are Roaming Free; Op-ed by the Secretary General Majlinda Bregu

Western Balkans Calling: We are Roaming Free; Op-ed by the Secretary General Majlinda Bregu

30 JUNE 2021 | ARTICLE

Op-ed by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occassion of Roaming Free Western Balkans setting intro force on 1 July 2021.

"Delivering on promises: It took just over 2 years to move from signing the Regional Roaming Agreement to roam free across the region. And today is the difference that makes the difference."

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Meeting of the Ministers of Foregn Affairs  within the Berlin Process’s Western Balkan Summit,  speech by RCC Secretary General

Meeting of the Ministers of Foregn Affairs within the Berlin Process’s Western Balkan Summit, speech by RCC Secretary General

08 JUNE 2021 | SPEECH

Speech by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs within the Berlin Process’s Western Balkan Summit, on 8 June 2021.

Download: EN 

RCC Secretary General for Fena:  As of July 1, roaming costs in the entire Western Balkans will be zero

RCC Secretary General for Fena: As of July 1, roaming costs in the entire Western Balkans will be zero


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke to BiH news agency Fena end of April 2021

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke to BiH news agency FENA end of April 2021. Bregu, among other things, spoke about RCC’s and Western Balkans response to Covid-19 outbreak, challenges the region is facing, such as high unemployment, Regional Roaming Agreement, which will bring zero roaming costs within the Western Balkans as of 1 July, digital agenda and the implementation of initiatives that will contribute to digitalization of the Western Balkans.

“Digital agenda is not only composed of Roaming agreement. There are a lot of good and implementable deliverables we are working on, such as e-commerce.

79% of business communities say they do not feel the necessity to switch on online digital services, even they generate money through online sales. We will be working as well on zeroing tariffs on payments and fees while transferring money from one economy to another. A digital story is continuing together with innovations.”, said Bregu.

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Economic Benefits of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the Western Balkans Six

Economic Benefits of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the Western Balkans Six

13 APRIL 2021 | STUDY

The purpose of this study is to shed light on the labour market situation of women in the WB6 economies, assess the economic benefits of women empowerment and provide recommendations for the way forward. Using gender disaggregated data, a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of gender equality and women empowerment in the WB was performed. The economic benefits of gender equality measures were estimated. A Women Empowerment Index (WEI) was developed to measure the economic empowerment of women in the WB6. The study also contains stocktaking and assessment of key policy areas and measures to reduce gender inequality and promote economic empowerment of women in the WB region.

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Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 October 2020 – 1 March 2021

Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 October 2020 – 1 March 2021

29 MARCH 2021 | REPORT

The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 1 October 2020 – 1 March 2021.

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Article by Gazeta Si, featuring RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu and results and successes of the Regional Cooperation Council

Article by Gazeta Si, featuring RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu and results and successes of the Regional Cooperation Council


Albanian web portal Gazeta Si published an article dubbed "The unspoken of Majlinda Bregu/the International Mission", featuring RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu and results and successes of the Regional Cooperation Council.

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Protocol on Open Access to Research Infrastructure in the Western Balkans

Protocol on Open Access to Research Infrastructure in the Western Balkans


Having in mind the goals and priorities stipulated by the South East Europe 2020 Strategy, the Multi-Annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area and the Common Regional Market region agreed upon Protocol on Open Access to Research Infrastructure in the Western Balkans. The purpose of this Protocol is to enable access of researchers from research organisations/institutions to the existing Research Infrastructures by setting framework principles to be implemented by their owners, that is, Research Performing Organisations (RPO) in the Western Balkans.

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5th Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans - Introductory remarks by RCC SG

5th Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans - Introductory remarks by RCC SG


Intruductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans, held online on 18 December 2020

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Bregu: Common Regional Market is a tool that will get us faster to the EU accession

Bregu: Common Regional Market is a tool that will get us faster to the EU accession


In an interview originally published by BiH portal, Majlinda Bregu spoke about the Common Regional Market (CRM), endorsed in Sofia on 10 November 2020 by Western Balkans leaders. Read about the purpose, benefits and next steps in the implementation of the CRM Action Plan.

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Speech of the Secretary General at the Western Balkans Sofia Summit on 10 November 2020

Speech of the Secretary General at the Western Balkans Sofia Summit on 10 November 2020


Speech of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Western Balkans Sofia Summir, held on 10 November 2020 in online format.

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WB6: Regionally Accepted Standards for Negotiating IIAs

WB6: Regionally Accepted Standards for Negotiating IIAs


Western Balkans Six: Regionally Accepted Standards for Negotiating International Investment Agreements (IIAs)

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Common Regional Market Factsheet

Common Regional Market Factsheet


Common Regional Market Action Plan is to be implemented by Western Balkans economies by 2024. RCC and CEFTA will be leading regional organisations to help Western Balkans implement it, together with other regional and international partners in line with their scope of work.

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RCC SG speech at the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs within the Berlin Process

RCC SG speech at the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs within the Berlin Process


Introductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Berlin Process ministerial conference, held on 9 November 2020 in online format.

Download: EN 

Common Regional Market Action Plan

Common Regional Market Action Plan


Western Balkans Six (WB6) share a common ambition: a democratic, prosperous region that promotes open societies based on shared values of pluralism, solidarity and justice, underpinned by a strong rule of law. Western Balkans is determined to work together to fulfil this ambition and rise to the economic, societal, environmental, security and political challenges faced by the region. WB6 are confident that the only appropriate answer to these challenges lies in regional cooperation and integration in the European Union (EU).

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Declaration on Common Regional Market

Declaration on Common Regional Market


Leaders of the Western Balkans Six, have agreed in Sofia, during Sofia Summit, to enhance economic cooperation in the region by developing Common Regional Market, based on the EU rules and standards, to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the region and to bring the region closer to the EU markets.

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RCC Secretary General speech at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020 Ministerial Meeting

RCC Secretary General speech at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020 Ministerial Meeting


Introductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020 Ministerial Meeting, held in Tirana on 2 November 2020

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RCC SG speech at the Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration

RCC SG speech at the Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration


Introductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration, held in Tirana on 27 October 2020

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Opening remarks of the RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020

Opening remarks of the RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020


Speech of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the opening of the 3rd Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020 in Tirana on 26 October 2020

RCC Secretary General speech at the Berlin Process Interior Ministers' Meeting

RCC Secretary General speech at the Berlin Process Interior Ministers' Meeting


Speech by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the Berlin Process Interior Ministers' Meeting held on 16 October 2020

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RCC Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General for European Western Balkans:  In times like these anchored cooperation-bashkepunim-saradnja-suradnja-сoработка-сарадња, takes on more importance

RCC Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General for European Western Balkans: In times like these anchored cooperation-bashkepunim-saradnja-suradnja-сoработка-сарадња, takes on more importance


"Economic impact is not falling short either. It’s enough to go to the nearest shopping mall, look around and count how many stores have already been closed. This is just one domino in the entire effect – bringing down jobs and unemployment in the region by 15% from March to July this year. Especially hard hit is the youth, whose unemployment rose by 27%, bringing the number of unemployed young people to almost 800,000, while women unemployment reached 53%."

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Secretary General for EWB: Western Balkans can not lose another decade marked with new instabilities

Secretary General for EWB: Western Balkans can not lose another decade marked with new instabilities


European Western Balkans (EWB), a regional web portal specialized in European integration process of the Western Balkans, published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on regional initiative “Green Corridors”, an initiative "achieved in times of big crisis. Western Balkans 6, the Regional Cooperation Council, the Transport Community Treaty Secretariat and CEFTA, with the support of the European Commission and our bordering EU member states, helped governments in the region to set and open a very much needed measure in the given situation to maintain the flow of goods, especially food, medicines and medical equipment within the region and between the region and the EU in the time of lockdown caused by the coronavirus outbreak. "

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