Further discussions on Recognition of Academic Qualifications in the Western Balkans

27 March 2019 Podgorica, Montenegro

Joint meeting of the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) and the Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Working Group on Recognition of Academic Qualifications (WG RAQ) is to take place in Podgorica on 27 March 2019.

This is the WG RAQ’s 5th meeting that will, in line with the discussions and conclusions of the previous meeting, continue with the implementation of the joint recognition exercise for the Western Balkans and a joint online system to support fast-track recognition between Western Balkans economies.

In addition, at this meeting, the first draft of the Declaration on Recognition of Academic Qualifications in the Western Balkans, to be endorsed by the Ministers responsible for higher education at the next meeting of the Western Balkans Platform on Education and Training organised by DG EAC and presented for signature to the Prime Ministers at the upcoming Leader’s Summit in Poznan in July 2019, will be discussed. 

Documents Agenda