Western Balkans Finalises Investment Agenda Deliverables for Poznan Summit

18 June 2019 Brussels, Belgium

Representatives of the six Western Balkan economies (WB6) will gather in Brussels at the meeting of South East Europe’s Investment Committee (SEEIC), led by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), to finalise the regional investments-related package that is to be forwarded for consideration of WB6 ministers of economies and prime ministers at the WB6 Summit in Poznan in early July.

The meeting will aim to further the discussions among the SEEIC participants on the Regional Investment Reform Agenda (RIRA) instrument as well as the proposal for the Ministerial Statement text, which is intended to be forwarded for consideration and endorsement of the WB6 Prime Ministers (PMs) at the Summit in Poznan. Also, the RCC and the World Bank Group will present the status and update of the first monitoring and impact assessment of RIRA, and the progress in preparation of investor outreach campaign in prioritized sectors. The RCC team will present the outputs for the investment pillar of the Multi-Annual Action Plan for Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) implementation report for 2019, another deliverable for consideration and endorsement of the WB6 PMs at Poznan. Beyond investments, SEEIC will deliberate on the results made and upcoming activities in other priority areas of MAP REA and SEE 2020 Strategy, such as regional tourism project, access to finance and deepening of the financial markets, as well as industrial development. 

Documents Agenda