Gender mainstream in security structures

30 September 2020-01 October 2020 Online

Basic Gender Awareness is the topic of the upcoming online seminar developed for the first time for military intelligence staff within the South East European Military Intelligence Chiefs (SEEMIC) framework, which contributes to  the implementation of principles embodied in the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) nr. 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
The seminar will tackle gender inequality in general; gender and Security Sector Reform, including an overview of advancing gender equality within security sector institutions; as well as the models for   security sector to adhere to gender equality as per the UN Security Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. The participants will also have insight in gender segregated data collection and analysis for evidence-based policy making, and share their experiences focusing on gender analysis in small arms and light weapons (SALW) control policy implementation in South East Europe.
The seminar, organised by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) together with the South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC), will be led by the UNDP SEESAC experts in this specific field.
This activity is in line with the goals of UN SDG nr. 5 – Gender Equality.

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