Preparations for the WBDS 2022 moving forward

11 May 2022 Brussels/Hybrid

Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is to organise 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022 (WBDS 0220) , in Brussels on 11 May 2022. Participants are to discuss the concept and the agenda of the WBDS 2022, potential deliverables to the Summit as well as the side events and B2B concept.

The RCC will supports this biggest regional digital event the fifth time in a row. WBDS is taking place annually in the framework of the Berlin Process and the Common Regional Market Agenda for the Western Balkans. The first ever Western Balkans Digital Summit was held in Skopje in April 2018, while the second WBDS took place in Belgrade in 2019, third one in Tirana in 2020 and fourth in Podgorica in 2021. This year, Western Balkans Digital Summit is to take place on 21 and 22 September 2022 in Pristina.