16th Meeting of South East European Military Intelligence Chiefs (SEEMIC) – Main Directors Conference

07 October 2024-08 October 2024 Split, Croatia

Under Croatia’s 2024 SEEMIC Co-chairmanship, the 16th Meeting of Military Intelligence Chiefs will be held on 7-8 October 2024 in Split.

The meeting will offer opportunity for discussion on contemporary matters of military intelligence interest for the region, while key discussions will center on the Open Source Intelligence report on "Security threats from emerging disruptive technologies (EDTs)" in the SEEMIC region, with report approval during the meeting.

The event is hosted by the Croatian Military Security and Intelligence Agency, co-organized with the Regional Cooperation Council.

Regional initiative SEEMIC represents the assembly of South East Europe Military Intelligence Chiefs led and co-chaired by the RCC with an annual host rotation, Croatia being the 2024’s host.