RCC co-organises the 4th BiH Congress on Roads
16 September 2014

Sarajevo is to host launching of the project to improve cooperation in South East Europe by strengthening RCC, on 16 March 2012. (Photo RCC/Samir Pinjagic)
SARAJEVO – The Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ACE BH) with the support of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Communications is organizing the 4th BiH Congress on Roads which will be held on the 18th and 19th September in Sarajevo.
In line with RCC’s SEE 2020 strategy, this conference will provide a platform for a discussion on the planning and development of the road transport system, management, construction, maintenance, protection of the environment, road safety and the financing of the transport sector. Congress topics will include the actual state of road infrastructure in BiH and the EU as well as future development of the road infrastructure. More specifically, the participants will discuss the following topics: 1) Development strategy of the road transport system, studies and design, construction and maintenance of roads 2) Financing of the road infrastructure and road management 3) Safety and environmental protection.
The Congress will be opened by Sanjin Arifagic (Head of the SEE 2020 Coordination Unit), Kresimir Saravanja (ACE BH), Damir Hadzic (Minister of Communication and Transport BiH), Christophe Nicodeme (European Road Federation General Director), Esref Gacanin (President of ACE BiH), Ensad Karic (PC Motorways of FB&H, Director General) and Dusan Topic (PC Motorways of RS, Director General). Special guests of the opening ceremony will be the British and Greek Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, HE Edward Ferguson, and HE Karolos Gadis as well as Mr Triantafyllos Papatriantafyllou, Director General of the Department of Foreign Transport from the Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks of Greece.
Congress participants come from 10 European countries, including representatives of the ministries responsible for road transport, professional international associations and agencies, as well as regional organizations and academia.