SEECP Foreign Ministers appoint Goran Svilanovic as RCC Secretary General for a second 3 year term
22 May 2015

SEECP Foreign Ministers Meeting, Tirana, Albania 22 May, 2015 (Photo: @Petrit)
Meeting in Tirana today, the Foreign ministers of the South- East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) unanimously appointed Goran Svilanovic for a second term as the Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Secretary General. The ministers also adopted the Annual Report of the RCC Secretary General on regional cooperation in South East Europe (SEE).
Earlier in the day, The RCC’s Annual Meeting heard a strong endorsement of the organisation’s efforts in fostering economic recovery and speeding up the European integration process of the region. The meeting’s host, Albanian Foreign Minister Chair-in-Office of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Ditmir Bushati, said the RCC has shown its worth by boosting the positive synergy in the region and tirelessly working towards the creation of a new Balkans – a region of peace and prosperity.
RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, spoke of the need for the region to better connect with the EU, to demonstrate a new spirit and culture of cooperation and to focus on growth and job creation. RCC’s primary role, said Svilanovic, was “to serve as a bridge builder and contributor to regional efforts on economic recovery in the region”.
After the Annual Meeting, the RCC presented its South East Europe Development Scoreboard, a monitoring mechanism for following the region’s progress – or lack of it – in the economic sphere. The SEEDS, is a comprehensive web platform which encompasses an extensive Public and Business Opinion Survey (,, expert’s opinions (, as well a vox populi – the voices of ordinary people from the region ( It enables any user to monitor the implementation of the region’s development strategy – South East Europe (SEE) 2020 and allows them to compare how their economy is doing in comparison with others.
Presenting the SEEDS web platform, SEE2020 Coordinator, Sanjin Arifagic, said that a monitoring system like this is necessary so that we can see what we are doing wrong and what needs to be changed. It needs to be measurable so we can improve and SEEDS was created for that very reason. “
Commenting on the Platform and what it offers, the Director of the Albanian Media Institute, Remzi Lani, said that the Balkan Barometer’s Public Opinion survey shows there are two speeds in the Balkans: the speed of EU integration and the speed of regional cooperation. Although the EU-integration speed appears to be prevailing, it is the speed the RCC is creating which is doing a great job in strengthening regional cooperation and making it catch up.“