SEECP Political Directors meet in Sofia
23 November 2015

SEECP Political Directors meet on 23 November 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria. (Photo: Courtesy of Bulgarian MFA)
Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretary General Goran Svilanovic attended today’s meeting of Political Directors of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), the first organised by the current Chair-in-Office, Bulgaria.
Mr Svilanovic briefed the meeting on the most relevant RCC’s activities and outlined the focus for the forthcoming period – addressing pressing regional priorities and challenges such as security and the rule of law (including the implementation of the SEE Regional Cooperation Platform on Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism and Foreign Terrorist Fighters), engaging civil society, Roma Integration 2020 initiative, etc.
Mr Svilanovic said that policy advances have been made under a number of different dimensions of RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy, including on the full liberalisation of trade in goods; agricultural quotas; National Plans for Renewable Energy; recognition of professional qualifications in line with the European standards; tackling the high cost of mobile phone roaming, and other issues. He also mentioned the plans for RCC’s Strategy and Work Plan for 2017-2019 which will be grouped around four flagships: skills and mobility, competitiveness, connectivity and governance.