Flow of recruits for violent extremists, terrorists and foreign fighters must be stopped
27 January 2016

Marinko Raos, RCC Senior Advisor on Security Policy Issues, Goran Svilanovic, RCC Secretary General and Stefana Greavu, RCC Head of Political Department at the first meeting of the Group of National focal points for countering radicalization and violent extremism leading to terrorism and foreign terrorist fighters in Southeast Europe held in Sarajevo on 27 January 2016 (Photo: RCC/Natasa Mitrovic)
Sarajevo, 27January 2016 - Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, chaired today’s first meeting of the Group of National focal points for countering radicalization and violent extremism leading to terrorism and foreign terrorist fighters in Southeast Europe. The meeting was attended by representatives of all 13 RCC participants from the region, with the UNDP, EEAS, and the U. S. Embassy in Sarajevo as guests. Following a fruitful debate on the plethora of issues under its purview, the Group agreed on its Terms of reference and rules of procedure. The discussion centered around the implementation of RCC’s Regional platform for countering radicalization and violent extremism leading to terrorism and foreign terrorist fighters in Southeast Europe, and the need for an enhanced coordination of activities performed in this field.
In his opening remarks, Mr. Svilanović emphasised : “We need to stop the flow of new recruits joining the ranks of violent extremists, terrorists and foreign fighters. We need to show young people that there are better ways than hatred and killing.”
The National focal points group will meet regularly to assess the progress achieved in Southeast Europe in the important area of security cooperation.