RCC at Sarajevo Business Forum: With common market our region can be economically stronger and more competitive
04 May 2016

RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, moderated “One Region, One Economy - Connecting the Region through Economic Corridors” panel at 7th Sarajevo Business Forum on 4 May 2016. (Photo: RCC/Dragana Djurica)

RCC took part at the 7th Sarajevo Business Forum, 4 May 2016. (photo: Sarajevo Business Forum)
Sarajevo – The 7th International Investments Conference – Sarajevo Business Forum, started today in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This year’s focus of the conference is on Industrial Capacity Cooperation and on expanding the business opportunities with China.
Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, took part in the conference by moderating the panel called “One Region, One Economy - Connecting the Region through Economic Corridors”. In his opening remarks Svilanovic emphasised the importance of working together in South East Europe (SEE) on key issues like creating a common market, boosting investments and business opportunities and via that also jobs. As a common market, our region can be economically stronger, more competitive and therefore a more attractive business partner, said Svilanovic.
He said that the RCC, in partnership with the Western Balkans governments will focus on four priorities which will improve the connectivity of our region: infrastructure, competitiveness, mobility and good governance. A common and joint goal of all these priorities is to enable an easier flow of capital, human resources, goods and services within the Western Balkans but also in the wider region and beyond, thereby also assisting the EU integration process.
For the past year, said Svilanovic, the RCC has been developing the concept of “economic corridors”, looking for ways and means to expand the economic benefits for developing the area close to the transport network which will be created as agreed by the regional government in the context of the “Berlin Process”. RCC’s “Economic Corridors” concept will be presented to the Western Balkan governments during this year’s WB6 Summit in July in Paris.