RCC launches a website on prevention and countering of violent extremism in South East Europe - www.rcc.int/p-cve
03 April 2017

Sarajevo – The website on prevention and countering of violent extremism (P-CVE) in South East Europe (SEE) is operational as of today. The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) launched the website providing relevant information on P-CVE in SEE, documents related to the regional initiatives, glossary and links to respective institutions dealing with the topic in the region.
Following the task by the ministers of South East European Co-operation Process (SEECP), the RCC established the Regional Platform for Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism and Recruitment of Foreign Terrorist Fighters. The Platform aims at strengthening cooperation and coordination in the area of prevention and countering of radicalization and violent extremism in SEE at national and regional levels under the political umbrella of the SEECP, focusing mainly on the so-called "soft" measures.
This website is part of the Platform’s implementation. It is designed as a set of tools for the enhancement of exchange of information and other aspects of practical P-CVE cooperation in the region.
The website is divided into the following segments:
- INFORMATION on P-CVE in South East Europe;
- DOCUMENTS – A database is divided into the several categories: international and regional documents, such as resolutions, declarations, platforms, action plans and meetings’ conclusions; national documents, such as laws and other legislative documents, national counter-terrorism (CT), P-CVE and similar strategies and action plans; research studies and scholarly articles; relevant journalist articles and reports; statistical data;
- EVENTS - You can find here a list of recently held and forthcoming CT and P-CVE activities/events in the region or relevant for the region, divided into three categories: RCC-organized, international and regional, and national events;
- GLOSSARY - This is an alphabetical list of terms and abbreviations used on this website, and in general by the RCC, with concise and precise explanations;
- DIRECTORY – It is a list of all international, regional and national institutions (ranging from major international organizations, to regional initiatives and projects, to think tanks and activist civil society organizations) active in CT and P-CVE in the region or relevant to it.
The website database is searchable. We wish you an interesting read and invite you to contact us, providing us with your feedback – comments, suggestions, and relevant data. Thank you in advance for your contributions.