Dubrovnik hosts 10th RCC Annual Meeting
29 June 2017

Tenth RCC Annual Meeting held in Dubrovnik, Croatia on 29 June 2017 (Photo: RCC/Srdjan Kurajica & Klaudio Pozniak)
Svilanovic: SEE rallied around essential topics to advance the region on the road towards the EU
Dubrovnik - Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretary General Goran Svilanovic reported on the organisation’s work in the past year at the tenth Annual Meeting held in Dubrovnik today. This RCC 2016-2017 Annual Report was endorsed by the Annual Meeting participants, to be also endorsed by the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Heads of State and Government the following day.
“Although at times the RCC efforts have been stymied by regional challenges and fluctuations in the national political landscapes, one can remain hopeful about the progress that is in sight in terms of deepening economic cooperation and a robust governance and stability within the region”, said RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic adding that the dialogue among RCC participants, in different regional cooperation formats, has had a key role in this regard.
“The RCC mustered and channelled political support towards the goals of the SEE 2020 Strategy, while tangible progress was made in furthering trade and investment integration, designing effective employment policies and their implementation, strengthening cooperation in education, research and innovation, supporting good governance and strengthening security.”
Secretary General added that regional cooperation has reached an important juncture, stressing ever so great attention on reforms that can increase the economic attractiveness of our region and make it more resilient.
Ambassador Mario Horvatic, representing the Croatian SEECP Chairmanship-in-Office 2016-2017 addressed the meeting on behalf of the co-host, welcoming participants at this last meeting under the outgoing Croatian chairmanship.
“We are very much looking forward to the SEECP Ministerial and Summit, where we will build on these positive trends and reconfirm the vision for the European perspective of South East Europe.
Moreover, the Dubrovnik Forum on 1 July will provide a broader framework for dialogue on economic development, stability and security in SEE, by strengthening these areas in the countries of the Adriatic and Mediterranean basin as well.”
The participants of the meeting also reviewed progress made in the past year and exchanged views on the current role and potentials of regional cooperation to energise the EU integration process in the South East Europe.
RCC and Croatian Chairmanship-in-Office 2016-2017 of the SEECP co-organised the RCC’s tenth Annual Meeting, which is being held back-to-back with the SEECP Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Meeting of Heads of State and Government.