RCC hosts meeting of the Western Balkans' Judicial Training Institutions
06 July 2017

RCC hosts meeting of the Western Balkans' Judicial Training Institutions, on 6 July 2017 in Brussels. (Photo: RCC/Elvira Ademovic)
Brussels – Western Balkans' Judicial Training Institutions (WB JTIs) met in Brussels today at a meeting organised by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat. The meeting discussed future work and cooperation among WB JTIs, relevant European Commission services, European Judicial Training Network and RCC.
In his opening remarks Vesselin Valkanov, Head of RCC’s Liaison Office in Brussels reminded participants that the “WB governments have similar status and same goals and tasks in relation to the EU, one of which is to achieve European standards in the area of justice. Therefore there is a sound basis for working together and producing concrete results and benefits at the regional level. With the EC’s support our tasks are easier to accomplish and our common goals easier to achieve.”
Mark Jorna, Head of Unit in DG “JUST” assured the representatives of the WBJTIs that the EC attaches high importance to judicial training and is as always ready to extend a supportive hand.
Through an active and constructive debate the participants in the meeting identified concrete areas where regional support and coordination will be of benefit to JTIs, agreed on the next steps and short- and long-term goals. They also exchanged views and experiences with the Secretary General of EJTN, Wojciech Postulski, who informed about future opportunities for the Western Balkans to benefit from their expertise and activities.