RCC hosts regional meeting on development of energy management in public sector
25 July 2017

1st regional meeting on development of system for energy management in public sector, hosted by the RCC, Jahorina on 25 July 2017 (Photo: RCC/Nadja Greku)
Jahorina - 1st regional meeting on development of system for energy management in public sector, hosted by Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), took place on Jahorina today.
The meeting heard presentations of the main findings of RCC-conducted Study analysing legal and institutional framework in the Western Balkan economies, achievements and concept for development of the Regional Energy Management Information System, and the concept and technical solution of the application that the RCC plans to develop in this regard. The participants also discussed legal obligations, the level of implementation, needs, and possibilities for development of regional information system for energy management in public sector.
„The Study analyses the status quo related to energy management in public sector, requirements and obligations stemming from the EU and Energy Community energy acquis“, explained Radovan Nikcevic, RCC's Expert on Connectivity in charge of Energy and Environment, adding that the Study dealt with the status on energy management in all participating economies, level of transposition of some important provisions from the acquis, and more importantly, the level of their implementation.
„South East Europe economies already have obligations and mandatory targets that need to be achieved - 9% of energy savings by 2018, and our goal is to support the implementation as much as we can, as the results are due very soon. Moreover, energy management system should also create a sound and enable further exploitation of potentials beyond 2018 and long term prospective savings towards 2020 and 2030 energy efficiency and climate goals.“
The meeting gathered representatives of authorities in charge of energy efficiency (ministries, agencies and/or funds) from Western Balkan economies.