Svilanovic at RCC Board meeting: Our efforts were focused on areas where ambitions in the region have grown
18 October 2017

Meeting of the RCC Board, held on 18 October 2017 in Sarajevo. (Photo: RCC/Alma Arslanagic-Pozder)
Sarajevo – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretary General Goran Svilanovic presented the report on activities of the RCC Secretariat in the period 1 April – 31 August 2017 to the RCC Board at the meeting in Sarajevo today. The Board also heard the information and plans on the most important upcoming activities of the organisation, in particular those related to the implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2017 – 2019.
“In the past period our efforts were focused on areas in which ambitions of the region have grown, such as growth, trade, investment, education, productivity, employment, governance and stability. We are extremely pleased with the outcomes of the Trieste Summit - adoption of the Multi-Annual Action Plan (MAP) for the Regional Economic Area (REA). This mid-term agenda that we prepared better steers our efforts towards regional economic integration along trade, investment, mobility and digital agendas”, said RCC Secretary General Svilanovic.
“Trade, investment, mobility – areas at the centre of MAP – are beneficial to the entire South East Europe (SEE), including the Western Balkans EU aspirants, EU member states from SEE and other participants from the region. Within SEECP format, the RCC will seek to identify links and opportunities to continue its work, supporting the results envisaged by MAP. “
The Board also adopted the budget of the organisation for 2018 and heard presentation of Police Cooperation Convention for South East Europe Secretariat’s activities, in a part of the meeting dedicated to other regional initiatives and cooperation structures.
Damijan Sedar, SEECP C-i-O Coordinator, on behalf the Slovenian SEECP Chairmanship-in-Office 2017-2018, presented the priorities of the Slovenian SEECP C-i-O, which were fully welcomed and supported by the RCC Board.