SEE 2020 Strategy Implementation: Programming Document for period 2018-2020 endorsed by the Strategy’s Participants
12 March 2018

SEE 2020 Strategy Programming Committee endorsed the Programming Document 2018-2020 at its 6th Meeting, held in Brussels, on 12 March 2018 (Photo: RCC/Nedima Hadziibrisevic)
Brussels – Representatives of the South East Europe’s (SEE) economies participating in implementation SEE 2020 Strategy endorsed the Programming Document for the period 2018-2020, at the 6th Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee held in Brussels, under auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), today, 12 March 2018.
This Programming Document, same as the ones setting the path of the SEE 2020 Strategy implementation in the past, is a target-oriented work plan for the given period. The actions described in the Document represent the result of a wide consultative process involving the representatives of national authorities, regional organisations and structures, and international organisations engaged in coordinating and implementing SEE 2020 and Multi-Annual Plan for Regional Economic Area (MAP REA).
The Document addresses the main regional needs and provides for regional policy objectives outlined in the SEE 2020 Strategy and MAP REA. It envisages specific actions to be taken in the period to the end of 2020 towards the goals, such as: removal of obstacles to mobility of researchers, recognition of professional and academic qualifications; improved policy and regulatory frameworks on Open Science; accelerated implementation, improved cross-sector coordination, built capacities and exchanged practices on Roma integration; developed digital infrastructure and boosted regional connectivity; coordinated roaming policies towards a roaming free economic area; strengthened capacities for the generation of income through economic diversification and the sustainable use of natural resources in rural areas; Western Balkans Six (WB6) region promoted as a unique investment destination: joint regional tourism routes based on 3+ economy participation prepared and promoted internationally, with focus on cultural and adventure tourism; etc.
Furthermore, the work plan set in the Document identifies the priority areas, concrete tasks, partners and their roles and responsibilities in the implementation process, projects and funding sources.
The Programming Committee meeting was held in the eve of the 4th Meeting on Donor Coordination in the Western Balkans, taking place also in Brussels the following day. The Donor coordination meeting bringing together high level officials from the WB6, donor community, the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and Western Balkans’ Chamber Investment Forum (WB CIF) will be in depth informed on the needs, gaps, policy design and reforms, technical assistance, capacity building and investment needs related to the MAP REA implementation in each economy, and additionally at regional level.
Participants of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee are government representatives from the beneficiary economies, regional dimension coordinators (RDCs), and the RCC.
Conclusions from the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee