RCC, RAI sign memorandum of understanding, broadening cooperation between the two organisations
17 April 2018

Davor Dubravica, Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) Chairperson, RCC's Secretary General Goran Svilanovic and Vladan Joksimovic, RAI's Head of Secretariat at the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the RCC and RAI on 17 April 2018 in Belgrade (Photo: RCC/Natasa Mitrovic)
Belgrade – Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Goran Svilanovic and Chairperson of the Regional Anticorruption Initiative (RAI) Davor Dubravica signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on mutual cooperation between the RCC and RAI, on the margins of the RCC-organised Conference 'Countering online radicalization in the context of cyber security', in Belgrade on 17 April 2018.
Secretary General Svilanovic reminded of the successful cooperation between the two organisations so far, as the RCC has a coordination role for implementation of Strategy SEE 2020 and RAI is its Dimension Coordinator for Dimension on Anti-corruption.
“However, there is room for improvement and I do hope that our cooperation would become even stronger in the future, resulting in concrete joint activities and projects in fight against corruption, which, according to the RCC’s Balkans Barometer 2017 survey, is, after unemployment and economic situation, third most pressing concern for 32% of the region’s population.”
RAI Chairperson Dubravica added that this MoU reaffirms already successful cooperation between the RAI and RCC, underlining that the two would in the future seek the most suitable ways to further strengthen joint efforts, by complementing each other while working on fight against corruption – an issue very important for the South East Europe’s citizens.
The MoU formalizes the long standing cooperation between the two organisations through which they can further strengthen and exchange appropriate information and expertise and create synergies.