RCC supports Western Balkans tour of No Borders Orchestra
23 August 2018

No Border Orchestra at concert in Sarajevo on 20 August 2018, within their Western Balkans tour, supported by RCC (Photo: RCC/Mirela Mahic)
Sarajevo – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) supported the Western Balkans tour of the No Borders Orchestra (NBO) that ended last night with a concert in Belgrade after earlier performances in Budva, Prizren and Sarajevo.
The NBO is a symphony orchestra made up of the best professional musicians from the Western Balkans, promoting diversity, spirit of friendship, tolerance and integration through classical music. Within the tour, this group of enthusiastic and energetic artists also organized art workshops emphasizing their educational and social significance, based on deconstruction of stereotypes, overcoming nationalism, racism, xenophobia and the gory legacy from the past.
The NBO was founded in 2012 and as they say in their mission “presents a regional, cross bordering project with a cultural impact based on universal human values.”
A series of concerts throughout the region described as “fantastic”, “sensational”, “heart fulfilling” is a proof that culture, art, music erases all borders, which correspondents with RCC’s pursuance to promote and facilitate regional cooperation in South East Europe, not exclusively through organization’s efforts to create a political, economic and social climate that would benefit all our citizens, but also to connect region through a mutual language – language of art, beauty, passion and energy.
In the past, the RCC has provided support to numerous cultural and artistic regional cooperation projects throughout the region: Sarajevo National Theatre presented its “Wild Flesh” (“Divlje meso”) to the Belgrade audience just recently; a guest performance of “Gospodja ministarka” (“The Lady Minister”) by the Bosko Buha theatre from Belgrade in Sarajevo; Sarajevo National Theatre “Balkanski spijun u Sarajevu” (“Balkan spy in Sarajevo”) in Zvezdara theatre in Belgrade; one-man hit show “Glumac je… glumac je… glumac” (“Actor is…actor is…actor”) of the popular Bosnia and Herzegovina’s actor, writer and director, Zijah Sokolovic at “Qendra Multimedia” arts and cultural centre in Pristina; “Romeo and Juliet” produced by Belgrade-based “Radionica Integracije” and “Quendra Multimedia” from Pristina in Sarajevo and Tirana; Belgrade contemporary ballet “They” (‘Oni’) of the National Theatre in Belgrade in Sarajevo National Theatre Sarajevo, to name just a few.