RCC's ESAP assists Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare in Pristina to establish an integrated information system
29 December 2017

RCC's ESAP assists Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare in Pristina to establish an integrated information system (Photo: https://jooinn.com/)
Pristina – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), through its Employment and Social Affairs Project (ESAP), provided a support upon request of Kosovo* on establishing an integrated information system in the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. ESAP analysed the current systems and databases and proposed a concept for the new system, including detailed procedures for its implementation and the support in the implementation.
The analysis showed that the existing different databases in the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW) are maintained under different platforms and are not interoperable. This affected the information flow and the coordination among different areas of work within the Ministry. The new proposed system supported through the ESAP technical assistance activity would be integrated in the future and would enable full control of all the activities of MLSW.
One of the ESAP objectives is to provide technical assistance to support national processes related to the preparation, monitoring and follow up of national employment, labour market and social affairs strategies, action plans and/or measures, as well as other priority areas under the mandate of Ministries of Labour and Public Employment Services, which are the beneficiaries of this assistance.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.