RCC’s ESAP helps Employment Agency in Pristina in drafting their Rules of Procedure
30 April 2018

RCC’s ESAP helps Employment Agency in Pristina in drafting their Rules of Procedure (Photo: https://jooinn.com/)
Pristina – During a two months period at the beginning of 2018, the Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Employment and Social Affairs Platform Project (ESAP) provided expert support in drafting the rules of procedure of the Advisory Board of the newly established Employment Agency of Kosovo*. ESAP also assisted this Employment Agency in the development of internal rules of procedure that would enable full functionality of its Advisory Board and related internal structures so it could enhance its performance.
RCC's ESAP project through its Technical Assistance activities targeted support at the national level in the area of employment and social development. This is mainly done through expert services to assist beneficiaries with the identified needs or with the organization of relevant national events.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.