Statement of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu
04 January 2019

Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (Photo: Armand Habazaj)
Beyond differences and geographical boundaries there lies a common interest!
Jean Monnet was firm in his conviction that the “European nations had to unite in order to survive”. The same holds true for Western Balkan’s. To maintain weight in a world that is changing fast, we need to leverage our relations. Cooperation is the crux of the matter.
I am honoured to assume the duty of Secretary General of Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), and proud that as the region’s outstanding initiative, it has helped to shape a joint action in an area where conflict has been for years an invigorating challenge.
RCC has been successful in generating significant support for the reform efforts in SEE, and so it will be!
That’s why I am confident that together, under the political guidance of the SEECP and the support of the EU, including media, civil society, we will strive to make wise choices, fostering as well an informed dialogue.
It will be a challenging mission amidst swirling economic, social, and political currents.
The future is all about connectivity. Integrating our economies into the single market; connecting people and sharing values; investing in human and intellectual capital, it is about our common political, security and economic interest.
Not by chance, but by choice the need for Europe in the region is powerful.
Certain that the pace of regional development will impact the pace of our European Integration, it is a very great privilege to seize this possibility with RCC staff, and I am delighted to begin.