Turdiu: Our task is to translate political will and commitments into concrete actions and results
20 March 2019

WB6 Component Contact Points (CCPs) in charge for implementation and monitoring of MAP REA reflected on the results of plan's implementation during the period July-December 2018, at their third meeting, organized by the RCC in Tirana on 19 March 2019 (Photo: RCC/Pranvera Kastrati)
WB6 meet to review implementation progress of Multi-Annual Action Plan for Regional Economic Area
Tirana – The Western Balkan Six (WB6) Component Contact Points (CCPs) in charge for implementation and monitoring of the Multi-Annual Action Plan for Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) reflected on the results of MAP REA implementation during the period July-December 2018, at their third meeting, organized by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) in Tirana yesterday.
In short, the following progress has been made so far:
- On digital agenda – Negotiations for an all-inclusive new Regional Roaming Agreement for WB6 successfully completed – agreement expected to be signed in Belgrade, during the Digital Summit, on 4-5 April 2019.
- On mobility – Negotiations for Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists, Architects and Civil Engineers are well on the way - agreement to be signed in Poznan by WB6 Prime Ministers;
- On investments – preparation of WB6 Investment Policy Reform Action Plans (IRAPs) finalized and adoption completed early 2019;
Gazmend Turdiu, Deputy RCC Secretary General, reminded the WB6 on the importance of delivering on what their leaders agreed in Trieste, concrete and tangible results that the citizens of the Western Balkans deserve.
“Our task is to translate the political commitments and will into concrete actions and results, with feasible timelines and same level of ambition as our politicians. The progress made so far is tremendous, but we need to step up our efforts as the expectations of our region are high, both from our citizens and the EU as well,” concluded Turdiu.
The next steps in MAP REA implementation due by Poznan Summit are as follows:
Digital agenda
- Regional Roaming Agreement to eliminate roaming charges as of 2021 and pave the way for the WB_EU roaming reduction;
- Establish a regional exchange platform among WB6 on cyber security threats and incidents;
- Facilitate and support joining of WB in EU programme for IT solutions (ISA2)
- Implement digital connectivity projects within the WBIF and regional connectivity agenda.
- Sign the first regional WB6 Mutual Recognition Agreement for Professional Qualifications;
- Prepare Declaration on Automatic Recognition of Academic Qualifications between WB6;
- Launch Information systems on Regulated Professions and on Academic Qualifications
- Enact the investment reforms and in service of steering the region towards the global business community;
- Work on a joint investor outreach programme while also increasing the capacities of Investment Promotion Agencies, particularly by boosting their human capital through;
- Propose regional investment instrument for Regional Investment Reform Agenda implementation serving as a regional standards for investments
- Develop intermediary report on financial market segments with the aim of implementation of the regional strategy and related reforms through the individual action plans for financial markets deepening.
The meeting gathered MAP REA Component Contact Points (CCPs) as well as the representatives of the European Commission and Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).
This Project is funded by the European Union