Bregu: It’s high time for the Western Balkans to address challenges and sensitivities with a clearer and ambitious vision
02 December 2019

Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General addressed the meeting of Coordinators in charge of MAP REA implementation in Brussels, 2 December 2019 (Photo: RCC/Laure Geerts)
RCC Secretary General addressed the meeting of Coordinators in charge of MAP REA implementation
Brussels – “The region is at a different landscape. It is high time to address challenges and sensitivities with a clearer and ambitious vision. We are initiating the process of the new economic vision beyond 2020 in close consultation with all six Western Balkan (WB) economies and the European Union (EU)”, said Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) at the meeting of Coordinators from Western Balkans (WB) of Multi-annual Action Plan for Regional Economic Area (MAP REA), taking place in Brussels today.
Secretary General Bregu continued with a note on the devastating earthquakes that hit Albania a week ago by expressing gratitude for all the help provided to people in need there: “We are thankfull for all the solidarity shown. One must stop and think on how fragile we are alone in front of a disaster.”
Further elaborating on the regional cooperation dynamics and goals Bregu added that business as usual would take the region nowhere. “Our call is to be innovative, all-inclusive and transparent. The regional integration cannot afford a stalemate. Economies cooperate if they come to realize that this can be in their best interests, both economically and politically. If the barriers in the region are lifted the benefits will be bigger.”
Coordinators of the MAP REA for the Western Balkans meet for the 5th time today to take stock of the implementation of all MAP REA components after the Poznan Summit and discus the forward-looking priorities.
The MAP REA Coordinators, the RCC, CEFTA Secretariat and European Commission discuss the potential key deliverables to be jointly implemented in 2020 and reflect on potential obstacles and challenges that might impede the implementation process. The meeting also reflects on the new potential areas to accelerate regional economic integration.