RCC fully committed to regional cooperation
25 December 2019

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Regional Cooperation Council invited to “Mini-Schengen” meetings, together with EU, USA, WB, EBRD & EIB, to hear the proposals of WB leaders
Sarajevo – There have been many discrepancies and a lack of clear information on the role of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) in the so called “Mini-Schengen” initiative meetings. Regional Cooperation Council is invited to “Mini-Schengen” meetings together with EU, USA, WB, EBRD & EIB, to hear the proposals of Western Balkan (WB) leaders.
The RCC is fully committed to the regional cooperation.
Proudly, we are coordinating and monitoring implementation of the Multi-annual Action Plan for creation of the Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans, as tasked and endorsed by the 6 WB leaders 3 years ago at the Berlin Process Summit in Trieste. All six economies of the region, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia are in this process which was introduced on the request of all six above mentioned leaders, a project to further economic cooperation in the Western Balkans, eliminating social barriers in terms of mobility of young people, professionals, skills and innovation.
For RCC, regional cooperation is a developing story. Regional cooperation becomes meaningful once the final end is EU integration. As enlargement is about connecting markets and people, we believe every initiative to the resolute dismantling of the barriers within our region is a must and to be considered. Therefore we keep our eyes and ears open to every single proposal of each economy in the region and will continue to do so.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is inline with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.