Bregu: I am gratified that during the leaving year regional cooperation delivered, even under stress
27 December 2019

Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) with Secretary General Majlinda Bregu wish you Good! Better 2020!
Statement of the RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu wrapping up organisation’s 2019 activities and announcing the future plans
Sarajevo - At the end of 2019, it is time to wrap up the year, summing up activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and announcing our future plans: Here is the statement of our Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on this occasion:
“I’ve started my mandate a year ago exercising cautious optimism, knowing this will be a challenging mission in swirling economic, social, and political currents, but strongly believing that beyond differences and geographical boundaries lies a common interest!
At the end of the year my sentiments are mixed.
I am gratified, that during the leaving year, regional cooperation delivered, even under stress.
We got all Western Balkans six to sign a new roaming agreement, pawing a way to Roaming Free Western Balkans in 2021.
We put in the spotlight the remarkable potential of women in this region.
The amount of love and care they put in toughing out difficulties, empowers us all and WE will continue with concrete projects everywhere in the region.
I am confident the beam of light that will split the shadows and reconcile the region is youth.
Youth Lab Project starting in 2020 will inspire action through interaction, challenge norms, focusing on cool, bright, innovative, competitive business ideas, capacity development of young people in our region.
We are all worried by hybrid security threats Western Balkans faces. From terrorism, to cyber security and disinformation. Next year RCC will be bigger and do more.
I am reassured by the idea that the dashers of hopes will have less chance than they think, to generate a narrative capable of turning the clock back in time.
Well, I am not going to hazard a guess on what will happen with the opening of negotiation talks with Albania and North Macedonia, Belgrade Pristina dialogue, visa liberalization with Kosovo? and so on.
I hope the lucidity will prevail in taking these decisions. Completion of Europe with Western Balkans is a duty, not a favour!
That’s where things stand. Our 2020 journey will face us with a plurality of tasks; from regional economic area, green deal, security, human capital, Roma issues, tourism promotion, start-ups, women empowerment, in faith that we will communicate clearly the mutual valuing of Togetherness!
Ah, last year I wished for the RCC team that continues to embrace change. I’m lucky to have them!
To them first and to our European colleagues, RCC participants, international partners, I wish
A very successful New Year to all!
Together let’s stay happy and healthy!”
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.