Regional Cooperation Council to assume SEEMIC Chairmanship in 2021
04 November 2020

Regional Cooperation Council to assume the Chairmanship of SEEMIC in 2021
Chiefs of the Military Intelligence services of South East Europe (SEEMIC) met via videoconference for the twelfth year in a row on 4 November 2020, under the current Turkish Chairmanship of the SEEMIC platform. The Chiefs adopted the Open Source Intelligence Assessment (OSINT) report “Impact of Irregular Migration on Security of South East Europe”, which was prepared by the SEEMIC Working Group and addresses the multifaceted security challenges related to migratory flows in and through the region.
OSINT report has been recognized as a highly valuable product of the SEEMIC platform. With a view of further upgrading its quality and enhancing the capacities of military intelligence staff in collecting and processing open source information, the Chiefs agreed that in 2021 SEEMIC would provide its participants with expert-led training and guidance in OSINT report preparation. The topic in 2021 will be “Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Security of South East Europe”.
Finally, the Chiefs agreed that the gender mainstreaming seminars in cooperation with UNDP/SEESAC would continue in 2021, following the overwhelmingly positive feedback by participants to the first seminar held earlier this year. With this decision, SEEMIC platform continues its efforts to contribute to the implementation of SDGs 5 and 15 – Gender Equality and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Regional Cooperation Council will exceptionally assume the Chairmanship of SEEMIC in 2021, as per agreement of the SEEMIC Chiefs.