Bregu: RCC to launch regional coalition on jobs and skills to keep youth in the region
06 September 2021

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu speaking at the panel on Global and Regional Challenges and Prospects of Recovery and Growth at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth Beyond Covid”, held in Skopje on 6 September 2021 (Photo: RCC/Ognen Acevski)
RCC Secretary General in Skopje at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth beyond Covid”
Skopje – “There is still high interest of youngsters to stay in the region. And this is our advantage. They are our greatest asset. They are the engine driving regional cooperation and EU accession because they see the opportunities and they do not carry the historic baggage of conflict from previous generations.”, said Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) speaking at the panel on Global and Regional Challenges and Prospects of Recovery and Growth at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth Beyond Covid”, held today in Skopje.
“Unemployment, corruption and brain drain are the main challenges we are fighting with, and the economic challenges persist, that is a well-known fact, but the real question is how can we tap into the potential of the regional economic integration and cooperation? Common Regional Market is One of the OPPORTUNITIES. It goes without saying that 6 is bigger than 3, but it is imperative for six to succeed in implementing CRM, and not block each other. Youth unemployment was 35.1% in Western Balkans 6 economies in 2020 compared to 16.8% in the EU. Only by recognising this as a big problem can we start resolving it. Youth Guarantee Scheme can help in that regard and I congratulate North Macedonia for being a pioneer in its implementation”, said Bregu and called for support in launching the REGIONAL COALITION on JOBS and SKILLS that will ensure that companies develop and retain the talent pool of the region. “That is one of the concrete examples to make a breakthrough in the regional mobility. This is a tool which will keep our youth in the region,” added Bregu.
RCC’s Secretary General took part at the Global and Regional Challenges and Prospects of Recovery and Growth Panel together with Anna Bjerde, Vice President, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank, Bujar Osmani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Radmila Shekerinska, Minister of Defence of North Macedonia, Kate Marie Byrnes, Ambassador of the United States of America, Haoliang Xu, UN Assistant Secretary General and Director of UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, and Andrew White, Associate Dean for External Relations, Said Business School, Oxford University, moderated by Dr. Walter Deffaa, Economic Policy Advisor for the Prime Minister’s Office.
Earlier today Secretary General Bregu met with the representatives of the North Macedonian Youth Council to discuss the outstanding issues young people have in mind, and to hear their views on the situation, their concerns but also suggestions on how to improve things, bringing up the potentials laying in regional cooperation. Through its EU-funded Western Balkans Youth Lab Project RCC can and is taking necessary steps and actions to include young people more in the decision making process in our region.