Bregu: Being Europeans is not written in DNA but what you believe and fight for
25 November 2021

Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the EU-Balkans Youth Forum
Italy in partnership with the RCC hosted youth from all the Europe at EU-Balkan Youth Forum in Rome
Rome/Sarajevo - “It’s not breaking news any longer that our youth is leaving the region. One out of 3 youngsters, age 18-24, in the Western Balkans confirms that they are ready to leave their homeland. We should understand the message – their choice of destination shows what’s missing in their own societies. We just need to observe, listen and the most importantly act –give them a reason to stay. The time is a luxury – something we don’t have in abundance. We needed to start making changes yesterday if we want a different tomorrow,” said Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu during the panel discussion ‘EU enlargement, national and international policies’ at the EU-Balkan Youth Forum, organised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in partnership with the RCC.
“Europe is not about borders, geography and being Europeans is not written in DNA, it is what you believe and you fight for that makes you Europeans. Don’t you think process of Europeanization shouldn’t be a process of dates. Think of the societies that is determining your future and future of your kids, think what does it mean to have no borders, what does it mean to move freely in Europe and among region. The dilemmas and challenges we all share, digitalization, climate change, security, fake news and technological upshift which will change our labour market, makes you Europeans,” concluded Bregu.
EU-Balkan Youth Forum gathered 88 young participants and mentors from each of the 27 EU Member states and the 6 Western Balkans economies in Rome for five days, to discuss common issues, face policymakers and mobilize energies for new initiatives and bring about fresh views on both the EU and Balkan integration. The Forum will also channel its conclusions to the “Conference on the Future of Europe” launched by the EU for 2021-2022, to allow citizens from across the continent to submit their views on the future of the EU.
Together with Ms. Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), Albert Hani, Secretary General of the Central European Initiative (CEI), Roberto Antonione and Secretary General of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative, Amb. Giovanni Castellaneta took part at the panel.
More on the EU-Balkans Forum here.
More on RCC’s Western Balkans Youth Lab here.
The Forum is organised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in partnership with the Regional Cooperation Council, Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), the Centro Studi Politica Internazionale (Rome) and Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (Trento).