RCC to award six best innovative solutions from the Western Balkans
26 June 2022

RCC launched a Regional Butterfly Innovation Award seeking innovative, scalable and market-based solutions from the Western Balkans (Design: RCC/Samir Dedic)
Supporting the innovation in the Western Balkans: RCC’s Regional Butterfly Innovation Award winners to be revealed on Monday in Tirana
Sarajevo/Tirana – The winners of the first Butterfly Innovation Award competition the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) launched in April this year are to be presented on Monday, 27 June 2022 in Tirana, Albania, on the side-lines of the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platform on Research and Innovation & Education and Training. The Award Ceremony has been co-organised by the RCC and the European Commission, which is hosting the Ministerial Meeting.
The first edition of this competition attracted over 150 applicants under six topics: Industry, Green, STEM, Youth, University and Women Innovation. The winning teams will get an opportunity for mentorship support, promotion of their solutions to potential investors and a financial award in the amount of 5,000 EUR each.
The Butterfly Innovation Award ceremony will be co-hosted by Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General, and Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, with Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana as a special guest of the ceremony.
Find out more about the Butterfly Innovation Award at https://www.rcc.int/regional-butterfly-innovation-award-2022
The Regional Butterfly Innovation Award has been funded by the European Union.