RCC Board participants praise the organisation, congratulate its Secretary General on the excellent, for our region extremely important job done
09 November 2022

RCC Secretary General at 47th RCC Board meeting Sarajevo on 9 November 2022 (Photo: RCC/Armin Durgut)

47th RCC Board meeting took place in Sarajevo on 9 November 2022 (Photo: RCC/Armin Durgut)
RCC Board adopts the Report of the RCC Secretary General
Sarajevo – Opening the 47th meeting of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Board in Sarajevo today, the RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu, shared very positive outcomes of regional cooperation presented in the last couple of weeks during the Berlin Process Summit and related meetings.
“Re-launch of Berlin Process and the three signed mobility agreements don’t only come as good news, but also as an incentive at a critical moment in time to rekindle our drive and commitment as never before. Previous month was nothing less than a historical one. Regional triumphant metrics of hundreds of trucks using green lanes to deliver food and medicine and increased roaming traffic by hundreds of percent will soon by joined by a larger regional mobile labour pool and new professional and academic opportunities. All this with the aim of regional connectivity and togetherness,” said Bregu.
All Board participants praised the work of the RCC and congratulated the organisation and it’s Secretary General on the excellent job done, despite very difficult circumstances of post-pandemic recovery and growing global economic crisis. The participants of the Board adopted the Report of the RCC Secretary General on the activities of RCC Secretariat in the period 1 May – 1 November and were informed of the plans for the upcoming activities. The RCC Secretary General informed the Board on the Coordination Meeting between the Troika of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), RCC Secretariat and European Union, which preceded the Board meeting.
Furthermore, the RCC Secretary General informed the Board participants of the results of the European Commission initiated regular audit of the EC-funded activities, which fund zero irregularities. It was a thorough expenditure and system audit, including the RCC-implemented projects, covering the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021, examining the effectiveness of RCC Internal Control System, and if funding provided by the European Commission is being used in conformity with the applicable Contractual Conditions. “In a nutshell, RCC has a sound Internal Control System and has so far passed all audit checks,” said Bregu. The Board participants welcomed the information.
“As said before, the work is still not done. Within the context of the developing crisis, us delivering results is crucial. We must convey solutions on many important commitments within Common Regional Market (CRM), Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) and SEE 2030 Strategy. The unravelling situation is alarming, so our response must be equally decisive and resolute,” concluded Bregu.
Ms Bregu thanked Montenegro SEECP Chairmanships-in-Office and welcomed North Macedonia to the SEECP Troika voicing importance of commitment and consistency to the shared vision and joint endeavours.
The RCC Board meets three times a year and is chaired by the Secretary General. Board meetings are convened and prepared by the Secretary General in coordination with the SEECP CiO. The RCC Board provides operational guidance and supervision of the organisation in between its Annual Meetings.