RCC Board praises the work of the organisation and its Secretary General
08 November 2023

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu leading the 50th RCC Board meeting, in Sarajevo on 8 November 2023 (Photo: RCC/Jasmin Sakovic)
RCC Board adopts the Report of the RCC Secretary General
Sarajevo – Opening the 50th meeting of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Board in Sarajevo today, the RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu, shared positive outcomes and feedback to the start of implementation of EU-WB Roaming Reductions and the results of continuing regional cooperation presented in the last couple of weeks at the Berlin Process Summit and other meetings.
“With geopolitical tensions all around the globe and somewhat gloomy economic projections, it takes effort to remain optimistic. Yet, we had positive news coming from the region. Last month the region was the host of the first Berlin Process Summit held in the Western Balkans, in the colourful Tirana. We take pride as RCC to have significantly contributed to the core content of the Summit by brining three important deliverables. On 1 October the actual implementation of the reduction charges started making roaming between WB and EU a real taste of mutual benefits or a success story of WB accessing the EU Single Market in real terms. Than we continued to the signing of the Agreement on Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Nurses, Veterinary Surgeons, Midwives and Pharmacists. It is evident that increased mobility of the workforce is becoming imperative. And lastly, endorsement of the Regional Joint Statement on Prevention of Plastic Pollution including Marine Litter. What we know for sure is that regional cooperation will be the instrument and the way towards accessing the EU Single Market, a phasing-in that has been a continuous effort of ours over the last years. For 76% of citizens regional cooperation helps their economies do better. A clear talk out of necessity feeling,” said RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu.
The RCC Board members commended the determination of the Regional Cooperation Council and its Secretary General during the previous period, and affirmed their full approval of the forthcoming phase's planned activities. The participants of the Board adopted the Report of the RCC Secretary General on the activities of RCC Secretariat in the period 1 May – 1 November and were informed of the plans for the upcoming activities. The RCC Secretary General informed the Board of the Coordination Meeting between the Troika of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), RCC Secretariat and European Union, which preceded the Board meeting.
“The deliverables of Tirana Summit were just a few achievements of RCC enormous work and efforts for the period. We have not stopped there. There was substantial progress made in enhancing mobility and recognition of qualifications in the Western Balkans. When it comes to the Digital Agenda and digital transformation, our flagship event Balkathon 4.0 and the 6th Western Balkans Digital Summit held in Sarajevo played important roles in advancing technological innovation, digital transformation, and cybersecurity improvement. Within the Berlin Process framework and in line with our role in the Green Agenda, the RCC also took the initiative to launch the Local Self-Governments (LSG) Forum, creating an official regional platform that enables fruitful dialogues with local self-governments,” concluded Bregu.
Ms Bregu thanked North Macedonia SEECP Chairpersonships-in-Office and welcomed Tirana to the SEECP Troika voicing importance of commitment and consistency to the shared vision and joint endeavours.
Chaired by the Secretary General, the RCC Board convenes three times annually, with preparations organised by the Secretary General in collaboration with the SEECP CiO. The RCC Board provides operational guidance and supervision of the organisation in between its Annual Meetings.