News Archive

09 May 2024 | News

Statement by the RCC Secretary General on the occasion of Europe Day

Sarajevo – Statement by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Europe Day:

08 March 2024 | News

Women’s economic empowerment is not a luxury

“The most dangerous phrase in the language is “We’ve always done it this way”. It’s 8 March today, and the buzzword you are getting from all around is “Women’s day”. So, the note of ours on this day is on women. Women continue to face disadvantage and discrimination in all areas of economic life. Mothers around the Western Balkans are particularly ...

24 November 2023 | News

Bregu: Can you put a price tag on people leaving the region? In a way, yes, you can

Western Balkans is ranked among some of the economies most affected by brain drain, with expectations to lose around one million young people in the coming decade. People leaving the region does not only pose a risk to workforce availability but also threatens additional pressure to health care and pension systems in the region as well. If these projections are to come true, the Western Balkans ...

29 May 2023 | News

Bregu: Half of all mental disorders begin before the age of 14. What is ‘an ounce of prevention’ when it comes to mental health, and do we take enough care of that?

Our region was recently shocked with an event that happened in Serbia when a young teenage boy killed ten people at school, including nine classmates. A horrible tragedy that rendered all of us silenced for days. In a matter of 24 hours after the school tragedy, another mass murdered happened in our region, when a young 21-year-old man killed 8 people. For all of us in this region those events ...

29 April 2023 | News

BREGU: There is a price to pay for speaking the truth - how much are we willing to spend in “killing the fake news”?

Disinformation is false information deliberately and often covertly spread, such as through the planting of rumors, in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth. Fake news spreads six times faster than true news.